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Everything posted by mike10019314@yahoo.ca
What new Rifles would you guys like to see?
mike10019314@yahoo.ca replied to Forrelist's topic in General Discussion
It can also mount the mosins ww2 scope (said scope was made for the svt but swaped to the mosin when the svt proved to be sub par as a sniper rifle) -
Dynamic Reloading of Rifles, Shotgun, Pistols etc..
mike10019314@yahoo.ca replied to thefinn's topic in Suggestions
There should be no reason to open the inventory if the rounds are stored in a vest or pocket slot, haveing the reload be slower im fine with, hell if you dont have a speed loader or striper clip you should only reload one round per reload atempt -
Dynamic Reloading of Rifles, Shotgun, Pistols etc..
mike10019314@yahoo.ca replied to thefinn's topic in Suggestions
Nothign stoping us from keeping the loose bullets in a pouch for easy acess -
What new Rifles would you guys like to see?
mike10019314@yahoo.ca replied to Forrelist's topic in General Discussion
I would like to 2nd the svt 40 and other old mill surp weapons, The svt 40 would fill a nice role for early players and uses the same ammo as the mosen (It would make a good budget svd) and if mouted with a bayonet could funtion as a melee weapon. I would also like to see the ppsh 41 and the tt-33 pistol, They both share ammo and could be expected to be found in old millitary depo's. -
Vehicle suggestion - Vehicle Ferry
mike10019314@yahoo.ca replied to axemen210's topic in Suggestions
I think the OP ment its a mobile base not a no fighting zone, it would make for a realy secure base though ,even more so if your able to add mg's and sandbags to it -
Homemade armor's would be nice i would like to see one made made from cut up truck tires, Dont think it will stop bullets (cep maybe weak ones like the makarov's round) but it could protect againt arrows and melee strikes
Make it possible for other people to access your backbag
mike10019314@yahoo.ca replied to tatne (DayZ)'s topic in Suggestions
You should only be able to go through someones pack if they are in the same group as you, (a gesture that lets people acess your pack could be handy to) or if they have there hands up /cufed, -
My sugestion is to use gusn that dont require a mag like the sks or mosin
Reconsider the AK-74 and 5.45x39
mike10019314@yahoo.ca replied to stielhandgranate's topic in Suggestions
I hope they add in the vss and vsk rifles as a rare spawn (crash site loot?) its an great "short range" sniper rifle /assault rifle combo -
One way to make Zeds harder would be to have gunfire attract them in a much wider area, Not hostile right away but lets say every zombie within 6 or 700 meters of a loud gunshot has a 25% chance of converging on the source of the sound, Now your in cherno and you pop one zed who noticed you, now you have 25% of every zed in cherno on there way to you and every time you fire your weapon you attract more.
I think they should add in the PTRD, it lacks any mounts for a scope so any sniper would need to use the iron sights,its singel shot,You need to be prone or have it braced on something to fire one in rl,Ammo is heavy and should be somewhat rare,A good weapon for knocking out vehicles and even light armor (if they add a brdm to the game or if the humvee is bullet proof it would make a good counter )Might be usefull as an anti sniper weapon with some practice as 14.5mm rounds have a fairly flat trajectory and a sniper isnt moving around much.
We shouldnet need a starting weapon as potential weapons should be everywere, hunk of drift wood? club, table leg, also club, broken glass shard and some cloth? hobo's first shiv, metal spoon or fork and some time? Hobo shiv +1
Tranquilizer Gun/Non-Lethal Take-Downs
mike10019314@yahoo.ca replied to zoxintv's topic in Suggestions
My idea of adding in sting stun gerenades, pepper ball guns and rubber bullets solves the problem of loosing your main weapon, a sting gerande would take up a backpack slot like a norman grenade, rubber bullets can be stored in a spare mag for nonlethal takedowns and the pepperball gun could be carried as a sidearm like a pistol. -
Cut up some shot shells and use the gunpowder to make a pipebomb sure its going to be weak compared to a 155mm shell ied but it will still ruin your day if you set it off.
Food Aspect - Surviving with Energy
mike10019314@yahoo.ca replied to PencilTips's topic in Suggestions
I dont like the idea of being forced to play everyday just to stay alive, Haveing the food and drink drop by half would be perfect though, Maybe some foods could be perishable like meat's could be fun if they add in ways of preserving food as well. -
in urban areas a nosiemaker type trap would be verry effective, car alarm's, cans full of bolts, firecrackers and fireworks and even military trip flare's could be used,They also have uses as nonlethal traps to guard camps when base building is implemented. A perimeter of nonlethal trip flares or noisemaker traps around your bases minefield would scare off random wanderers and provide warning of an attack if your home while savering your rare landmines for invaders .
Tranquilizer Gun/Non-Lethal Take-Downs
mike10019314@yahoo.ca replied to zoxintv's topic in Suggestions
Rubber bullets or Stinger grenades would make a good less lethal weapon, have them casuse high shock damage to anyone hit, a low bleed chance and a chance to break bones or cause fractures. A paint ball gun loaded with pepper balls would work well to if they add in a blinding effect (could cause the pain status effect for a limited time as insted ) -
Strips of reflective tape or beta lights could be used as id markers for members in your group , the beta lights are probably the best option as they are hard to see outside of close range but stand out well in close combat, idealy each player model could have one hooked onto there shirt and one on there belt or backpack.
How about Balota airfield military loot getting removed?
mike10019314@yahoo.ca replied to Twixxer's topic in General Discussion
a fallout 3 style repair system for firearms might work, if you need to find 2 or 3 m4's to strip for parts to get yours in condition to fire millitary grade weapons are now much harder to find -
How about Balota airfield military loot getting removed?
mike10019314@yahoo.ca replied to Twixxer's topic in General Discussion
The devs could make it so that players help spread the loot around, if someone dies in lets say cherno with a m4 and a bunch of mags and no one clames it the loot will spawn in random houses in cherno, my weapon of choice would be the sks, *it should be easy to find as it will likely be considerd a hunting rifle, *ammo will be common as it shares the same ammo as the ak, *when the devs add in the ability to use your rifle as a melee weapon the sks will be a great choice as it has a built in folding bayonet *it's semi auto so i have a pretty good chance of killing a armed player at range if needed or groups of zombies. *looks less agressive than a assault rifle so players or groups just out minding there own business might not shoot me because i look dangerous * as its semi auto with a 10 round mag, pvpers are less likely to kill me for my gear as you cant kill 30 guys with one reload with it (would you risk your fancy m4 for it?) *the sks has a internal mag so it can be reloaded by hand no mags required (it does have striper clips to reload faster) *some versions have a rifle grenade launcher built into the flash supressor -
player made safe zones would be nice even if the safety is enforced by there guns, a player run tradeing post would be quite the hot spot
How can we make a players life more important than his gear?
mike10019314@yahoo.ca replied to knawx's topic in General Discussion
mechanic and gun smith/gun maintenance skill's is something i would like to see,if everyons guns wear from use then a person with that skill will be worth more than any amount of loot they could have on them, evne more so if he can repair damaged mag's and combine 2 or 3 ruined ones to make a new whole one. same for mechanic if hes the only one who can fix engine damage on a server it would be worth your time or loot to hire him to fix something for you or to kidnap him and force him to do the same. skills could be gained by ether reading rare skill book's or by doing the task over and over till you get better, could be broken down even further, a guy who reads how to fix a honda civic in the instruction manual would still have no idea how to fix a heli engine unless he poked around at one for a long while edit (SoulFirez said it much better than i ever can -
I found the solution to kos go east!
mike10019314@yahoo.ca replied to desryachri's topic in General Discussion
my plan is to get geared up and live in the woods once anamals are added in, map,compas, sks with some ammo, backpack with hunting knife and what i need to make a fire, i can then live off the grid and get what i need by trade once i find some trust worthy contacts -
watch this :)
Zabytyy Zemli - Contaminated area
mike10019314@yahoo.ca replied to deputy's topic in General Discussion
some chemical weapons can last for a long time after being used, if such a zone is added it could have been caused by the russians trying to contain the outbreak, ill post a few i found that could be used Incapacitating Agent 15 (BZ) Causes atropine-like inhibition of acetylcholine in subject. Causes peripheral nervous system effects that are the opposite of those seen in nerve agent poisoning. May appear as mass drug intoxication with erratic behaviors, shared realistic and distinct hallucinations, disrobing and confusion Hyperthermia Ataxia (lack of coordination) Mydriasis (dilated pupils) Dry mouth and skin Inhaled: 30 minutes to 20 hours; Skin: Up to 36 hours after skin exposure to BZ. Duration is typically 72 to 96 hours. Extremely persistent in soil and water and on most surfaces; contact hazard. ^this is good becasue its non leathal but can cause problems for any unprepared player who wanders into the area ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vesicant/Blister Sulfur mustard (HD, H) Nitrogen mustard (HN-1, HN-2, HN-3) Lewisite (L) Phosgene oxime (CX) Agents are acid-forming compounds that damages skin and respiratory system, resulting burns and respiratory problems. Severe skin, eye and mucosal pain and irritation Skin erythema with large fluid blisters that heal slowly and may become infected Tearing, conjunctivitis, corneal damage Mild respiratory distress to marked airway damage Mustards: Vapors: 4 to 6 hours, eyes and lungs affected more rapidly; Skin: 2 to 48 hours Lewisite: Immediate Persistent and a contact hazard. nasty stuff but wont insta kill people without warning, damage could probably be treatable without needing special items unless you breath it in ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Nerve Cyclosarin (GF) Sarin (GB) Soman (GD) Tabun (GA) VX VR Some insecticides Novichok agents Inactivates enzyme acetylcholinesterase, preventing the breakdown of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the victim's synapses and causing both muscarinic and nicotinic effects Miosis (pinpoint pupils) Blurred/dim vision Headache Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea Copious secretions/sweating Muscle twitching/fasciculations Dyspnea Seizures Loss of consciousness Vapors: seconds to minutes; Skin: 2 to 18 hours VX is persistent and a contact hazard; other agents are non-persistent and present mostly inhalation hazards. run into this stuff and your fucked unless you have a atropine injector or are wearing a chem suit, all 3 types could even be used with the army useing the non leathal agents first and resorting to nastyer ones as it fails to contain the infection makeing the zone less dangerous near the edges and more so the closer you go in