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Everything posted by SlenderManPingu

  1. SlenderManPingu

    GTAForums - Hacker

    12:00 am GMT+0 GB #00 (The one with "GTAForums" Attached in the title) Player Name: Sarah 5 guys on teamspeak rolling up in cherno, all got shot one after another, no one saw anything. I respawn, Suddenly I turn into a bunny, and someone stands around me shooting zombies with a weapon I have never seen. Looked like a bigger version of an FAL, with some sort of ACOG scope. I get killed and respawn again, I see shooting, and clearly they are invisible (Explains why 5 guys saw nothing kill them in cherno) So a week of not dying, all the best gear, to be killed by a hacker wanting a cheap laugh... anyway, here are screenshots I have gotten.
  2. SlenderManPingu

    GTAForums - Hacker

    Of course, Justice was not served this day, great community we have at Dayz.