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Everything posted by capsure

  1. Just the first two episodes in this installment where there will be a theme for every episode or a series of episodes. Please comment on the youtube videos for stuff you want to see me do different or just do in general. Thanks for the input.
  2. First episode is probably the funniest, the first few episodes were a work in progress but I think episode 6 is where most of the kinks are worked out. All videos have skip links to the kills so you don't have to watch the lead up, but if you watch anything i promise you the 9min mark of episode 1 will be the funniest thing you watch. <<< Full playlisthttp://youtu.be/Wnm5CP6ORp4?t=9m <<< Watch this if nothing else!
  3. Hey skids yeah we can meet up some time. I as you probably know died in that episode and before I regear up from my camp I think I am going to screw around a bit do a short series called Crossbow Chronicles where I just run around with a crossbow and kill fools... Maybe goto cherno and run that area but yeah add me to skype capsure2 and we can try and meet up. Thanks for watching the videos.
  4. Well the series has come to a bitter sweet end. Got some nice kills before I was gunned down. After I was gunned down some crazy stuff went down with a hacker teleporting everyone to a field chaos breaks out. Boobie trapped busses and axe chopping breaks out. Next series I plan on doing is Crossbow Chronicles... http://youtu.be/gboo_hhi2Ug
  5. Thanks for the responses guys I think the part I laughed the most on was "Your face is terribur, your shot is terribur, your johnson is terribur"
  6. capsure

    Day Z Videos

    Episode 6 of my Lets Play series - Life in Elektro http://youtu.be/JSFhg27HHnY
  7. capsure

    Day Z Videos

    5th episode in the series. Start with some decent gear I got from raiding camps near elektro and end up with even better gear from a guy I killed. http://youtu.be/xyZtfpbln3c
  8. capsure

    Day Z Videos

    New lets play series starting up. Have the first 3 episodes done, all about like in elektro. Check it out. Episode 1:http://youtu.be/Wnm5CP6ORp4