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Everything posted by Roark92

  1. Roark92

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    lie is strong. just because you say something that is not true, does not mean you lied. after all it can only be a lie if you know the truth... and maybe he believed what he told us and was simply wrong. to err is not to lie. he might just be human like the rest of us who knows...
  2. Roark92

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    "When we go live" Hicks is going for the prestigious troll of the year award.
  3. Roark92

    October Round-up: #DayZDaily

    to zombie or not to zombie, that is the question... Whether 'tis nobler in the game to suffer, The glitches and bugs of outrageous programming, Or to take complaints against a sea of debates. And by arguing, end them: to discuss, to whine, no more. And by a whine, to say we end, The long debate, and the thousand natural insults, That posters are heir to? 'Tis a deliberation, Devoutly to be quarreled. To argue, to complain, To complain perchance to prove. Aye, there's the rub. For in that complaint of game, what replies may come, When we have shuffled off this endless discourse, Must give us pause, There's the respect, That makes mockery of so long debate.
  4. I wouldnt really ask for anything more from bohemia than average development. that said Bongo though managed to make several valid points. Although he made them in the midst of a hate-post, making it hard to appreciate, everyone should still try to remain objective. i think bongo is exaggerating for sure, but hes right about the zombie AI. It is a core feature and simply hasn't been worked at all. I know they did the little tweaking awhile back but this is no longer the mod. tweaks no longer suffice and they should know that. It has to work and it has to work well, this is a standalone title that you are selling. And in all honesty they neglected to work zombies this whole time, despite knowing that zombies are a core feature of the game, and arguably are the most broken part. Even IF zombies could not be worked due to other programming projects needing completion first, this was not made clear to us, and since this is supposed to be open development we have no reason to believe it is a behind the scenes deal. So it really does beg the question, why do zombies have no progress made? and please, i know all the information, don't throw how they tried something out but it failed so now they are trying new methods because its simply not how it is and that is delusional. It is a CORE concept guys, it just doesnt make sense that it would be in its current state unless there is something they arent telling us. Like maybe they have no idea how to make an AI in arma2.5 that will suit their needs. I personally am willing to give the team the benefit of the doubt, and i'm sure they are working their asses off and that it is stressful enough for them as it is. But that doesn't mean I will accept things that simply don't make sense. In this case, the state of zombie AI.
  5. Roark92

    I wish I could go back in time...

    lol that video had the opposite effect on me and actually made me think, "wow why the hell would anyone play this horrible horrible mess of bugs and poor mechanics" been a long time since i have played dayz so i forgot kind of just how bad zombies were/are.
  6. If you haven't noticed that, then you must not spend much time around here. Either that or English isn't your first language and you don't understand when people posting about all the delays and loss of interest and blah blah blah are really implying an apparent desire for the game to be released. A delay only can exist if you thought it should have been released by now. Otherwise it isn't delayed its still in development. It's pretty obvious actually and I don't really see why it even needs an explanation to be quite honest. EDIT: But you are right that many people are supportive of taking longer to make the game properly. I agree with you on that. My post wasnt directed at them though, however many there may be.
  7. ^thats funny lol. But seriously guys just think about it. Dean obviously REALLY wants to get the game out there, of course he does. So really, he will only not release it if it CAN'T be released yet. Even if the network bubble was completed but it still wasn't good enough and zombie AI had to be redone... they aren't doing it to fuck with us! They would be making that decision out of necessity. Just try and remember that those decisions, however inconvenient, are made with the community's and dev team's best interests in mind. The dev team are real people, don't forget it. They have their lives and shit going on just like the rest of us. They don't work FOR us they work WITH us. Give them some space to work in, im sure we have all had annoying naggy coworkers before, dont be that person lol. I mean for fucks sake when Ivan and Martin were released, they went back to work almost right away!! Appreciate the team, guys, because we're lucky to have them on the project. TL;DR muffins. EDIT: also want to thank SmashT again for doing the round ups and keeping it updated. Much appreciated.
  8. Roark92

    DayZ Standalone... ...Let's Talk.

    If anyone recently bought and played Rome 2 when it was released, you will notice what happens when companies attempt to release on deadlines despite having not had enough time to finish the game. We are the consumers and we set the market trends. Its the best thing about capitalism. Stop fucking it up by pressuring premature releases and incomplete development and reward good development by actively supporting devs who take the time they need to do a good job. So on that note, thanks Dayz Dev team for helping to clean up this god awful product development cycle we find ourselves enduring so far this century.
  9. Roark92

    DayZ Standalone... ...Let's Talk.

    People are just tired of discussing the same "im angry at rocket" threads over and over. EVERYBODY wants the standalone to come out, but it is IN development. We could all be complaining and venting our frustrations but it ISN'T constructive, so many don't. And in fact when people come into the forums and make bold statements about being lied to and decieved, (things that are obviously exaggerations) it cripples the moral of the community, which is not good, because it spawns more discontent and it justifies resentment towards the dev team. Which is entirely unfair since they are working very hard to develop a game and the last thing they need is criticism from the community that is loosely based on reality and doesn't even provide useful feedback. Bottom line, complaints like OP just don't serve anyone for the better. It's bad for dev's, and its bad for the community. So people get frustrated having to explain situations over and over again to try and appease the disgruntled folks. Sometimes complaints and explaining your woes is helpful to the process, but in most cases it is simply not so. So don't take it personally, everyone is frustrated for one reason or another.
  10. Fair enough target practice. I apologize for any offense.
  11. You've got to be effing kidding. Maybe you guys don't find it funny personally but it is a pretty typical joke, and completely undeserving of your solemn analysis of it. Even if it isn't funny, stop being pretentious dicks about it and lay off the guy.
  12. Roark92

    Some thoughts on gameplay in the Standalone.

    Good ideas for sure, I especially like the comfort one. I have been thinking that alcohol and cigarettes and relaxation and stuff should have good/bad effects for characters to take into account the psychological side of things. However about the cooperative building system you outlined, I have to agree it would be abused. You need to realize that the people playing will not respect your intentions, they will find a way to reach maximum efficiency over minimum effort, and they will do it over, and over, and over again. If you can see how something MIGHT be abused, then it is guaranteed to be. Even if you don't see a way for abuse to happen, it is only a matter of time until someone finds a way. So you really need to minimize the ability to abuse at all opportunities. In this instance, you just can't have a "construction skill". Where building sandbags affects a players ability to build ANYTHING other than sandbags. It just won't work, players will find the most common combination of build materials, and they will spam-build it. So maybe the skills must need apply only to the action performed. So you build 1000 sandbag barriers, all you get is an incredibly efficient sandbag builder. Maybe you can build it in no time at all, but you still wouldn't know where to begin building a house until you start trying. As a side thought, maybe have skill aquisition be EXTREMELY slow and fail rates really high when starting out. But if a person is present who knows how to build and does it with you, then you receive their modifier to the skill acquisition. Sort of like apprenticing or being taught. Apply to all skills of course. Also you need to make it so that the respawn DOESN'T change your base attribute, for the reason that applejax stated. Maybe have it be re-randomized after a set length of time has passed, say 6-12 hours. Long enough for a character to actually become worth keeping alive. That way suiciding to get a better attribute would be detrimental as it would reset your clock. If people still want to suicide after the time has passed then let them, but i believe it would deter a fair number. Also with teaching others being important, no skill would really be worse and would be trade-able anyways. I don't know anything for sure though, skills is a really tricky one.
  13. whats up with the download tab on the dayzmod home page? it says download dayz (alpha test) is that a joke? or are the mod devs purposely trying to aggravate people? i dont care personally but im just wondering why it says that now all of a sudden. seems rather tactless.
  14. Well the bottom line is that we are on a forum arguing over a man's video game project and his personal intentions with it's future. Frankly it is INCREDIBLY silly no matter what "side" you are on. In fact the only people who aren't nuts are the ones not reading this forum... Surely we can all agree on that? I can argue all day about this, and you can counter all day with that, but at the end of the day, its a game. It doesnt even exist yet, and we just spent a part of our lives arguing about it with people we have never met, who in different circumstances we might find their opinions comparable, or their interests similar. After all, we all must like the game, its why we are here on this forum, and therefore the "fanboys" and the "haters" have more in common than they seem to think, despite our differing ideas about poor Dean's intentions. Sorry, retarded post i know lol, but I suddenly felt a wave of shame for ever even arguing about something so trivial as this. it is quite trivial after all.
  15. Roark92

    Inventory - carying large items.

    lol at the pic. but seriously yeah, its absolutely ridiculous... so ridiculous that one must just assume that it will be dealt with in SA, i mean theres no way they will let that fly... even shoving a can of beans in your jeans pocket is ridiculous!!! i mean pockets are for things that, well, fit inside pockets. like keys (keys for vehicles?) or loose cartridges. there needs to be a volume system, nevermind weight... thats not as important. volume has got to start making more sense. or i dont know what ill do! people will probably hate on this idea though because people suck and fear things that dont suck. just sayin.
  16. Roark92

    Towns are boring

    i dont think there are goina be giant buildings. at least not for awhile. factories will be pretty much the only unenterable buildings lol, sorry to shatter your dreams, friend.
  17. Roark92

    Item Textures

    good idea, i like it. might be resource/time heavy what with how many items they have and plan to add in. maybe just keep this going as a time filler if the artists have nothing to do at BI lol.
  18. they still have a month to release under that window. i think rocket learned his lesson from the december speculation. i think they will release it within that time. if they dont then it will be a great irony. dean strives to be an honest open developer like he wishes other developers would be like. but then go down in history as the most confusing and misinforming dev of all time lol. if i was him i'd release no matter what by mid-august. i wouldnt want that legacy. but its his first time leading a project and look how much attention is on it. you gotta feel for the guy i mean thats a lot of pressure for your first year on the job. deep breaths, it will be alright.
  19. Roark92

    Choking persons from the back!

    yeah it shouldnt be to just kill. you should be able to knock people unconscious without having them bleedout from gunshots. that way you can loot people without actually having to kill them, new kind of play style right there from one mechanic. but dont worry guys, we have motorbike helmets soon. any other new features wouldnt even be worth mentioning compared to the motorbike helmets and their infinite coolness. so cool they make up 50% of dev interviews and videos lol :D
  20. Roark92

    hi :)

    yeah its a big overhaul. should be a huge improvement from the mod when its all done but the release time is really uncertain so people get all crazy about this date and that date.
  21. Roark92

    hi :)

    about a year. its a sensitive topic though around these parts so just pretend like you arent excited about it.
  22. Roark92

    DayZ Forum Downtime

    generic complaint about standalone development. generic argument as to why and how the devs aren't doing it properly. am i doing it right?
  23. Roark92

    hi :)

    before you play dayz, you should practice your rageposting. no one here is allowed to play without having at least 3 new threads a week about how angry they are at standalone development.
  24. you seem like a nice guy meat pie, which is why im saddened by the fact that someone will likely come in here soon and flamestomp your thread to pieces... glad you had fun
  25. ok i am not going to be as polite as everyone else here has been, which is amazing, well done for your self control. wayze you are a complete idiot as far as i can tell. you barely understand what people say, you barely seem to understand what you say. i dont know you and will not make judgements on your whole character, but as far as your ability to converse and debate goes, its abhorrent, and you should not attempt to discuss things with others until you practice a bit. you are far too passionate about your position on PR for example, it makes you horribly unpleasant to talk to. You can speak with passion for sure and let it show through, but you need to remove your obvious bias and speak objectively, without excessive profanity and keeping an open mind to consider the positions of others. As for the PR thing, it is useful. I don't really see why people here are so against it. It's not totally necessary per say, but it would be really helpful for everyone. Then Dean doesn't have to worry about talking to the community periodically, and he can just keep developing the game. PR is a loose term, and it is involved no matter what. as soon as you are selling something to someone, or doing something for them, you MUST have a medium to communicate your intentions, your status, and the ultimate product condition. whether you hire someone or just talk yourself. So the whole "PR over my dead body" thing is completely ridiculous. I think the term has negative connotations to it or something because the idea is greeted with way more hostility then it should be. Not saying DayZ NEEDS a PR person, i will say however that Dean needs to either talk to the community himself or get someone else too, and i wouldnt suggest someone else at all since I like hearing development news from Dean, but he seems VERY uninterested in doing it, and/or just doesnt have to time for it. the fact that so many people are confused about this development is the reason why public relations is a field of work, and why there are successful PR firms. its important.