Hey guys. I have some Problems. I wanted to try this Mod for Arma2. So I looked what I need for this mod. Since release I have Arma 2. But for this Mod I also need Operation Arrowhead (OA). So I downloadd it from Steam today. And the most important things: After 2 years in the german army as a paratrooper I have also my balls with me ;) Here we go. Arma2 retail version has the last update on it. After 4h of waiting (7,8GB!) I also had the OA on my computer. As it says in the description I tried it with the sixupdater. Doesn't work... So I tried it also with the manual installation. All went fine. I had the DAYZ logo on screen, found lot's of servers but couldn't join one server. Everytime: bad version! But I have the newest version. 1.62 like all the other servers. My question now: can I combin this two Versions(retail + steam)?