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About hobbicon

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  1. hobbicon

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    We are off peak now, please release the leaderboards + personal statistics. We have been waiting for months now.
  2. Flying with a Xbox360 controller is excellent. but the rest?...Meh
  3. hobbicon

    Movie scripting with Dayz

    +1, want to know the same.
  4. hobbicon

    Lingor Island Chit Chat.

    I salute el presidente
  5. hobbicon

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    You said soon a month ago. Can you please give us an eta?
  6. hobbicon

    New gear and weapons?

    Yes, no more high grade military equipment, please. More clothes, camo netting and low tech weapons are the only things I want at the moment. (and maybe later a civilian plane)
  7. Looks like some clan will have to buy a few additional arma2 keys. Too bad the steam sale is over. LOL@ partybiene @ mic im popo
  8. hobbicon

    dayZ with asus sound cards

    I have an Asus Xonar DX, No Problems so far.
  9. hobbicon

    Russian Forum section, why?

    Where is your God now?
  10. hobbicon

    Russian Forum section, why?

    Yes, I suspected something like this. But I´d be satisfied, if you could stop nuking our servers.
  11. hobbicon

    Russian Forum section, why?

    So do the French or the Germans (like me). I think it divides the community. Or do you have any idea what they are talking about "down there"
  12. Hello, why do the Russians have their own forum section? It feels a little bit like cold war, the Russians on the one side, and the Western countries on the other side.
  13. hobbicon

    FPS worse in cities! :(

    The answer is: weak CPU and even a weaker GPU. Upgrade your hardware/ reduce graphical settings or get used to huge fps drops.
  14. I really enjoy your dayz app, but your GUI is just terrible.