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About sandzibar

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  1. sandzibar

    EU 40 - "faggot"

    I can see that its going to take you a while to police the entire internet for using words you are personally not happy with... Youve gotta start somewhere I guess. Good luck with the mission. /salute
  2. sandzibar

    EU 40 - "faggot"

    Thread is filled to the brim with fried gold.
  3. sandzibar

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    *WOOOOOSH* (protip: click the little arrow next to 'rocket wrote') wooosh? and your "protip" has still failed to produce the required results. Are you really that numb? The link sends you to his original op post. TKJ edited the quoted text to show awesome changes that everyone wants. Think about something for like 10 seconds next time. numb? nope nice and warm here today. I thought that it was a quote of something that rocket might have had in his initial notes, but subsequently removed. Hence i was looking for clarification on where it came from originally. The bandit skin stuff wasnt far fetched considering rocket had stated it would changed this thursday (and rocket is always late with changes) and stuff like the female skins/models is something he's stated he wants to include. you seem pretty aggressive and rude. did you have a bad day?
  4. sandzibar

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    *WOOOOOSH* (protip: click the little arrow next to 'rocket wrote') wooosh? and your "protip" has still failed to produce the required results.
  5. sandzibar

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    My hero! :D not seeing where you got this rocket quote from.. irc or something?
  6. you could wander the coast line screaming "Im here to help you!" in direct chat. yeah.. cant see that going wrong at all :D
  7. I actually think having global chat access if you have the radio would be an interesting idea. if each town/village had a radio transmitter/reciever, and you had to stay near it to "use/hear" the chat. but then we're back to the "why" question. what is the benefit of communication with people NOT on your TS/Skype?
  8. sandzibar

    High and unstable ping in DayZ only

    You say "for the moment".. is there something in the pipe from either you or BIS to maybe improve desync issues?
  9. Doesnt that make it too easy to make super hard to locate havens of loot storage. Thus reducing the effects of dying. Theres already enough places to hide tents without allowing all the areas covered in forest to also be included surely?
  10. will require basket and string items. both are rare spawns.
  11. sandzibar

    Findable Skins?

    looking forward to thursday. well... more probably sunday. rocket does seem to love his feature creep per patch. :)
  12. sandzibar

    THE Firewood thread

    almost every house in cherno has a log store outside (well the ones out in the countryside anyway). are we currently able to gather wood from these? not been able to log in to check this new mechanic out.
  13. I think you may have missed the point he was making, and using said knife id also be able to gather enough combustible material from Chernarus to make a fire last indefinately.
  14. so is direct chat fixed now then? i thought that required a BIS made patch.