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squid ward

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Everything posted by squid ward

  1. squid ward

    no need to go against alt f4 :-)

    10/10 would read again
  2. So, I was making my way back to electro from the NWA when I got sniped by a random person and died, I had mutiple guns on it, and I'm back at the place where I died, but the bandt hid my bodie. I can still here the flies so can I still somehow look randomly and find the body?
  3. squid ward

    Can you find hidden bodies?

    Oh ok thanks for the reply :/.
  4. squid ward


    So, I finally got a nice setup going AK (with like 9 mags), map, matches, PDW (4 mags), 6-7 cooked meat, 5 beans, alice pack, 8 sodas etc etc. Made my way to NW Airfeild hoping to find a sniper rifle of some sort and went into the Air trafic controller building with about 5-6 zombies chasing me in. I then climb up the first set of stairs and look down to see that the zombies are just entering through the door. As I start to shoot them, one of them instantly teleports right on top of me and proceeds to smack me in the face. With one hit I am knocked to the ground unconscious. After that the zombies then start eating me and I die. I've been playing this game for about 3 weeks, and with the numerous deaths I've had (somwhere around 30) I'd say 7/10 of my deaths happen because a zombie glitches out and somehow manages to smack me when he shouldn't have been able to. This is really getting out of hand.
  5. squid ward


    Yea, I had about 600+ zombie kills at the time.
  6. squid ward


    I understand this game is in Alpha, and has lots of room to fix these kind of things, but it's really annoying when I walk all the way to NWA from Electro just to be killed by a glitching zombie. Yes, this is kinda a QQ thread but still...