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Everything posted by callmesarge

  1. callmesarge

    Which hills are the sniper hills?

    All of them.
  2. callmesarge

    The M1014

    Wow, I did not know that about pellets. Yeah, I know I missed the shots, was getting 10fps due to recording which did not help. But I will now try the 1014 again.
  3. callmesarge

    Helicopters and M107s...

    Science bitches
  4. callmesarge

    The M1014

    Dunno, tried it, did not like it. had it used against me to good effect though, In the video below, i only had 8 rounds, and assumed there was only 1 guy in the tower...
  5. callmesarge

    Helicopters and M107s...

    I had heard about the tail rotor thing but not tested it, will try and test that out today, and will post a vid if poss. OK, testing complete, recorded it, but upload time is a bitch. Report in short: M107 takes 3 rounds to disable main rotor M107 takes 2 rounds to damage the tail rotor, which would eventually cause a crash M107 is 1 shot kill on the pilot, causing instant crash So there you go kids, go for the headshot - is the only true stopper!
  6. callmesarge

    Come At Me Bros!!!

    I'm lazy. Come to my grid location and I might kill you if you ask nicely.
  7. callmesarge

    Helicopters and M107s...

    Welp, I aint no expert, but here goes: If you do not hit the rotor assembly, or the pilot, then i think it can take a fuck tonne of shots. You take out the rotor, it goes down. you kill the pilot, it goes down. Once, me and a mate tried to destroy a parked huey. fuckin impossible. filled it way full of holes, nada. so in short, its hard. keep trying, post vids.
  8. Ok, here is is: THE FIRST ANNUAL CHERNARUS IRONMAN CHALLENGE What you do: Gather a group of players. Gear up with whatever you want from your tent stash, from the NWAF, or from the cold dead hands of your last opponent. Head to the two bridges east of Kamenka. Prepare yourself. Log on to a full or near full pop server. No less than 30 players ideally. Now travel the entire length of the coast, first east, then north, finishing at Guba. Stay by the coast. Approx 150 meters max distance back from the water. See if you can make it alive. Fraps and upload to YouTube. Rules If you kill a player, you can loot them (permissible to move more than 150m) from coast to achieve this. If you find a vehicle, you can use it. You can leave the coast to visit close by loot spots, e.g. Balota, electro and cherno fire houses, etc. once finished looting, return to the coast. Min group size is 2. No max group size. Will anyone accept this challenge? Successful completion of the challenge will earn you MY BEANS!
  9. callmesarge

    Come At Me Bros!!!

    Bah, too late for me, i am in the uk. Post the time as UTC (coordinated universal time)
  10. callmesarge

    Come At Me Bros!!!

    Wha time UTC?
  11. callmesarge

    M24 Night Vision scope

    No, that is what the DMR is for.
  12. callmesarge

    Tent Raid Stories

    Best tent raid i ever did was when some wally posted in this forum about a hacker/duper camp. He had tried to kill it, but under the last patch it was no dice, so he posted the name an location here. I raided it 3 times, got killed the second time. The third time acquired 3x AS50 TWS. Yeah yeah, I'm a bad man, etc etc. Best non hacker cam raid was on 1.7.4 when I found a tent far North with an L85. I was the first person in my group to have one, and dudes were following me round in case I got shot so they could have it.
  13. callmesarge

    2 bandit stories (one with a video!)

    Nice work if you can get it ;)
  14. callmesarge

    Helicopter Showdown

    Incredible vid, one of the best I have seen so far!
  15. callmesarge

    eneny one wana kick some ases with me

    yars i willi klick many ases wiith you. i have m16 ACOG red in teh ear, maany beans. TAKEOUT!
  16. callmesarge

    Bandit at Stary Sobor GB #500

    Bandit at Stary Sobor? Hmm, never would have expected that.
  17. callmesarge

    Murder Montage :D 64 Murders

    Yup, stopped watching after 60 seconds. To make this video better it would need: - no range hacks - engagements at 800m + - some NWAF or Stary Sobor, or even a little Berezino.
  18. callmesarge

    How do you decide to kill somone?

    If I see you, I am shooting. Only possible exception would be a badly injured unarmed person. Even then, it's a 50/50 whether I shoot or save. I have done both before. (although not at the same time. That would just be dumb.)
  19. 1000m sniper kills. Reach out and touch somebody. Also, stealing cars when the owner is near by. Driving off honking the horn. Oh, that reminds me. The feeling you get when a carefully laid plan goes tits up as your quarry does something you did not expect, and you are scrambling to cover it. That's a great feeling!
  20. Great story that was easy to read.
  21. callmesarge

    So someone put an M107 in my tent.

    Use it. Blast fools.
  22. callmesarge

    Bug or hack? Backpack lost.

    Known issue with ghillie suit, search is your friend. Next time, drop your pack, put on ghillie, pick up pack.
  23. callmesarge

    Rarest weapon you've found?

    M107 at a crash site. I was so happy.
  24. callmesarge

    I'm an idiot.

    Use dayz commander. It keeps a server history.
  25. callmesarge

    Help settle an Argument

    Don't be a victim.