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Posts posted by lordofpie7000

  1. I've had an experience where I met up with a guy in a barn, we went on for a while together, looking through towns trying to survive, and scrounge supplies. Unlike most people this guy didn't shoot me in the back, I went hey I gotta eat dinner, good luck, and off he went. We went our separate ways without killing each other, by that time we were both well equipped with lower tier gear. However I think most people prefer the lone wolf kind of playstyle because you dont have to worry about anyone back stabbing you along with the fact that all the loot you find is for you.

    I think with everyone adopting the KoS policy lately, lone wolf is the way to go IMHO, I'm no pro but being alone has worked better for me.

  2. Man all the people who say that KoS is just the game and thats what makes it fun should go back to call of duty. Noone wants to make the game friendlier or more forgiving, but with no in game interactions at all these days its just not fun, its just like some type of weird free-for-all arma game that happens to have zombies. When I got this game I wanted to take people hostage and stuff, but you can't because its Kos world right now.

    You make a wonderful point, and while taking people hostage isn't what I'm after, complex gameplay is. After 3 weeks of playing I decided to sign up on the forums to try and expand my gameplay experience, because it's literally impossible to interact with anybody in game without dying.

    On the KoS subject, DayZ is DayZ because of human interaction. If you throw that out the window, all you have is a random death match fps with zombies.
