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Everything posted by Miragenz

  1. Miragenz

    Study Fireplace Option

    In theory its fun, but in reality do you ever find an old fireplace? Whenever i make a fireplace and dont pay attention i sometimes cant even find where it is too light it.
  2. Pick them up then obviously.
  3. For as far as i know the m67 is the only one, however with all these patches being thrown out there who knows. Still don't see the fun in server hopping however.
  4. I had been playing in the afternoon, a few hours later i try to relog but there are new patches and whatnot and shit just doesnt work. Some time later when was out i try again and spawn gearless on the beach aswell, not very lucky and i got killed once, later die due to not having bandages and get killed again for not having a weapon yet. But the 4th time i spawn where i was earlier that afternoon weirdly. Gear back and everything
  5. I've been playing on Dallas 69 for a while aswell now, and it doesnt all seem to add up . However i havent found any real proof or anything like that.
  6. Every single time i get killed i tell myself i will shoot everyone on sight, yet i havent murdered anyone in weeks. Today, i was in Cherno after being murdered again, finally got some foods and supplies, a makarov with some mags and some tools. I'm hearing some douchebag shooting his sniper somewhere downtown aiming for newbs, so i climb up all the ladder in that building near the apartments in the north, when i get up there i have a look around, and suddenly stand face to face with some guy who has an rifle with ACOG or so. I nerveously roll around untill he says , we cool. I ask where he came from and he tells me he just spawned there, he then tells me he saw someone downstairs. He walks down abit and i look around for the other guy, i see the guy running away from the building and tell him that, right when typing that he is running west he shoots me in the head twice. Sadly i cant use the chat to tell him what an asshole he is so i just take a deep breath and start again. 30 minutes in i have a sniper and at Polana i see a guy crawling through town, yet i cant get myself to shoot him.
  7. Miragenz

    This playerbase...

    Since when do we have a chat we can complain in?
  8. Bridges and docks dont work well with the ATV, and vehicles in general. You often crash trying to cross a bridge on an ATV and thus you can often find one at bridges and docks. Finding it 3 times at the same location is just really lucky i guess.
  9. Miragenz

    How "safe" do you play ?

    I usually set a marker to where i want to go, usually within 3km, then i aim myself towards that point, or use the compass to determine the angle i need to go in when i cant set a marker, press W and watch tv. Run in a straight line through forest and fields, run around towns, across roads and everything, untill i reach the town where i casually go in, shoot whatever zombie followed me once i reach a house.
  10. Sure, you can see the zombie so the zombie can see you, thing is that its still a game and that there are hundreds of zombies out there and only one of you. You can't possibly watch every zombie in a 100m radius around every corner and behind every tree. When im walking through a town i look whats around the corner, not whats at the next town.
  11. Miragenz

    find a Radio, use Side/Global chat

    Suggested this nearly 2 months ago, same basic idea. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/2960-walkie-talkies/
  12. Dallas 69 14:30 GMT +1 It seems as if the entire server got teleported to a location which appeared to be on the south coast, be there for a second and get teleported back. This happend a few times, and next the guy is in a helicopter, teleporting the entire population of the server to his helicopter, making everyone break their legs and pass out and whatnot due to the fall. Whilst im passed out i get teleported back and forth a number of times to the helicopter. I aborted to prevent death so i dont have any additional information, but because it happend to the entire server, 25+ at the time i hope there are others who have some additional information.
  13. Miragenz

    Chat, specifically all chat.

    Walkie talkies, to maintain communication without breaking immersion, and who knows what else. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/2960-walkie-talkies/#entry29775
  14. Miragenz

    Radio Transmitter

    Seems as if it could be combined with my idea for walkie talkies. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/2960-walkie-talkies/#entry29775
  15. There are multiple reasons to change servers, also sometimes servers jsut dissapear completely for whatever reason. Maybe it lags like hell or whatever.
  16. Thats a pretty neat idea, maybe only make your sidearm available when you're using the crutches. Would be more realistic then crawling anywayas
  17. And so, we welcome friday the 13th.
  18. Miragenz

    No message received

    Got to be f'in kidding me. Was over at Lopatino on a bicycle. Admin says 1min to server restart, i get off my bike and save it just be sure. I stay in the same location to be extra sure. Server restart, i log back in, now im near NE airfield where i was ages ago. i check the tent i had set up there 2km away, which is now lacking my MK 48 and my AS50, and everything else that was in there. So i make my way to the nearby airfield, accepting the fact my items and weapons are gone. No message received. Goddamn. Connection lost. log back in, and again im back 2km away from my camp, same gear and state. Do the same thing again, back to camp, accepting that once again its empty and head to the airfield. No message received. Log back in, and im back ONCE AGAIN. Ragequit.jpg
  19. Miragenz

    Camp Griefing

    Must have been atleast 50+ tents
  20. Miragenz

    Camp Griefing

    Well thats my thought, but can you still duplicate tents and whatnot?
  21. Miragenz

    Camp Griefing

    I have.. or well i had a bicycle untill the server restarted like 30 minutes ago, i'm on the other side of the map right now near one of my other tents, which is also empty now though. I do prefer a bicycle over a car though. But i'll take whatever i can get my hands on. However i'm not going to wait hours at some camp just because there is a small chance someone will show up there with a vehicle.
  22. Miragenz

    Random event possibilties/feedback.

    Yeah thats true. i see your point. I'm looking for something that adds something to the game and becomes part of the game, i doubt anything is going to be exciting every single time, but it could just add something extra other then the fact that there are zombies and that they will chase you when you take a wrong turn.
  23. Miragenz

    Camp Griefing

    From the EU, but playing on a US server. However i don't see why i'd wait to snipe them I don't have any special reason to wait for the owners of the camp other then kills and loot, which i can get easier from other players if i wanted too.
  24. Miragenz

    rewarding survivability

    Then you would have to allow the player too chose what perk he wanted, that suited his playstyle.
  25. Miragenz

    My idea to fix "Ghosting"

    30 minutes seems abit much, make it like 5 or so. Because who hangs out at a certain place for 30 minutes? This would also help with the aborting in a way, you can still abort from combat, but you will less likely abort to avoid some zeds on your tail, unless you have no server preference.