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About Enola

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Name: Smutsig Location: Sweden GUID: 279dc3f9cb8cde411db933868eb84c14 Reason: Old server died and friends who are already on this server recommended it.
  2. im on se 20 ( dayz.numie.tv port: 2302) my name is Peter plz kill me mate :D Är du svensk föresten?
  3. trying to get in... get waiting for host :/
  4. im in a coma... and cant click respawn anymore :/
  5. hey! can i get some help from you on the server? need to get killd :/ got bug... in coma and no countdown.... broken leg and in the water outside otmel... plz replay :P
  6. Hey! was killd and respawn outside otmel in the water... to the funny thing... im on coma (it dosent count down) and i have a broken leg... so i cant respawn cant move... no body will find me in the water... need help by admin the get slayd... or if a kind bandit is up for it... name a server (ip and port) and i can join so you can kill me... ooh cant write to ppl ingame so cant ask anyone for help