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Everything posted by Veris

  1. Veris

    US 1449

    Can't really do much without names. The logging in Day Z is pretty limited.
  2. Veris

    Becoming your typical FPS PvP game?

    It's pretty upsetting to see stuff like that, and as a server owner I hear and see it once in awhile. I don't think the game is padded with enough content for actually killing people for no reason, so hopefully people like that will fall off eventually. I don't mind PvP, or losing all my stuff, but nothing pisses me off more than getting sniped and finding my corpse by luck 6 hours later completely untouched.
  3. Veris

    Becoming your typical FPS PvP game?

    I can see the angle of this, but it's a sandbox game, with up to 50 players. The game is about choice, though the common choice is usually to kill you for your stuff, that doesn't exactly mean its an FPS. Those 50 players can do whatever they want, not everyone is running around killing each other though. The game is about survival, and players drop the best loot. Sometimes you WILL get some idiots who just kill for the hell of it, but it's more common than not it's just for your stuff, than a stupid little murder number.
  4. Veris

    Flip ATV or bikes

    This is such a pain, a fix like this would be lovely. I've had this happen so many times... Surely flipping it upright wouldn't cause any real issues in the mod engine.
  5. Veris

    'Save Character' Scroll wheel option

    Then you could get into some annoying situations, such as running out of ammo and needing to switch to a hatchet to finish off the last few infected, while unable to fit your gun in your pack or drop it. I think an improvement to the Hive is needed much more than a manual save option. I'm all for fixing item losses due to the database, but I don't think it should be done this way.
  6. Veris

    'Save Character' Scroll wheel option

    This would be nice, but easily abused. If you force save to the Hive with your current stuff, drop an item to someone, and the server is reset... you'd have your stuff saved unless the Hive had just then saved you, and you'd have duped an item.
  7. Veris

    Respawn disabled? WHY???

    At first I felt the same way as OP, but it actually makes you much better at the game, and leads you into new experiences that you wouldn't have found otherwise just spawning in near friends. Its a very survival heavy game, and in Alpha. If you can't handle the brutality changes.. well that's just Day Z.
  8. Veris

    There is still hope!

    I always smile when I see posts like this, It's great to see that there is actually helpful players. While this is a sandbox game and there is choice, It's nice to know not everyone chooses to just shoot and kill for profit. It makes the game just that much better.
  9. Veris

    US 1499, Duping, riP | kani

    Very appreciated, thanks for cooperating and letting us know.