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Posts posted by Lambdadelta

  1. Server: US 1499

    Player name: I FOUND A ATCHET

    ID: 32233606

    Time: 21:35 GMT+1 (20:35 UTC)

    He was on our server on the coast west of kamenka next to a couple of crashed helicopters (the flyable kind). He teleported me and my helicopter crew from the north-east of the map while we were mid-flight. It took out the engine, but we managed to land it and kill him after landing. When we investigated his body we found an item called 'horn', although noone took a screenshot at the time. After banning him and restarting the server, the crashed helicopters next to him vanished, not sure if that is normal.

  2. I already *have* my group, and I will axe you in the head all the same.

    This thread is just another waste of space.

    Though I do want to see zombie hordes with slightly different aggro mechanics (not that it would foster cooperation). When you get into a gun fight, hordes could slowly move to investigate that noise, even if they're not within all out frenzy aggro range. So a gunfight is essentially a ticking time bomb until eventually you'll have 50+ zombies on your ass.

    Best idea in the thread so far imo. Would discourage prolonged pvp in towns/airfields or camping in vantage points over towns for long periods of time, as well as add some spice to pvp in previously safe locations. Could potentially turn locations into deathtraps.

    I think this mechanic should only apply to the 'louder' weapons, so everything bar most pistols/silenced weapons/crowbar/axe.

    In addition to this, I think having zombies spawn out of thin air when you fire a loud gun needs to go. Firing a loud gun should definitely attract already-spawned nearby zombies, but having it swarm you with 20+ frenzied zombies in a field that quite clearly did not contain 20 zombies (or you wouldn't have shot your gun in the first place) is a very counterintuitive and punishing mechanic.

    These two changes would be a good direction, I think.
