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Everything posted by lukasaurus

  1. I thought he did a good job of getting you riled up.
  2. lukasaurus

    [FR151] Banned by be too good...

    I hate ALT+F4ers. On AU46, "Ricky" robbed my mate of a camo suit and AS50 as he logged just as he died (he def died, because my murder count went up by 1 and it said along the bottom of the screen), taking his body with him. We should have switched to the other server and looted him there, but it was getting late. Annoying thing is, he had been shooting at us and one of us died, and the rest of us didn't log or wuss out. We stayed until he was dead. But as soon as I shoot him, boom, he is out of there.
  3. lukasaurus

    Question about Alt+F4

    I've never done it. In fact, I can't. Even the times I wished I could, like when a hacker teles right in front of you and hitting escape, abort, disconnect takes too long. However, whenever I hit ALT+F4, it comes up with some little communication thing on the left. What is that about?
  4. lukasaurus

    Question about Alt+F4

    /Facepalm. I never said I didn't understand it. I've never done it in DayZ. When I have tried, it brings up a little communication thing on the left side of the screen which I can mouse through. I've disabled it in the control options, but it still comes up. I've disconnected once quickly in game when a hacker appeared out of nowhere (I was up north, off the map, at the dam, and suddenly this guy pops up in front of me and starts shooting with a machine gun). "Back in the day" I was alt+f4'ing in windows 3.1 to save myself the embarassment of being eaten by a yeti yet again in Ski Free. Better yet, I was hitting "reset" on my computer in MSDos while using my "turbo" button on my tower to boost from 33mhz to 66mhz to give Doom that extra bit of power.
  5. lukasaurus

    Question about Alt+F4

    Oops, thought I clicked on general discussion. My mistake.
  6. lukasaurus

    vanishing bodies?

    Last night, north of Balota, three of us survivors were running across an open field. One of our mates lingered behind and got shot at. We all hit the deck and tried to figure out where it was coming from and the guy behind was killed. The two of us still alive started making it for the trees, and I got shot at but made it over a hill. My other mate was crawling around, trying to find the bandit. I manage to sneak about and locate the guy, hiding by a rock near a rock wall. I aim, fire and take him out (AS50). He does the die animation and it says down the bottom "Ricky was killed". We all cheer over skype because it is the first encounter we have had where the majority of us have survived (we are pretty casual players). I decide I want to get out of there, in case he has friends, but my mate thinks we should find his body, since his gun sounded the same as mine (AS50), and to me, it looked like he had an AS50 and camo outfit. But it wasn't where I shot him. He definitely died, no doubt about it. But there were no flies, and no body. Could he have logged out the moment he died and his body vanished? I noticed a few minutes later he was on another server (I use DayZ commander and was able to add him as a "friend").
  7. lukasaurus

    vanishing bodies?

    He still died though right? Like, he'll log back in and be dead.
  8. So I'm on NZ16 (don't normally play on this server, but NZ20 had a hacker in it teleporting around making kills) headings towards Stary from the north. We cross the open field and start getting shot at when we get to the hill behind Stary. We turn around and find a guy back north, near the Deer Stand we came from. I shoot at him and so does a mate, and he goes down. Two things i) His name tag was orange. We don't normally play on regular server, but I know that my mates names were green. Was this guy we killed an admin? ii) His body automatically hid (sunk into the ground). There was no other player near him. Why would this happen? We didn't want to loot the body, but it was surprising seeing his body sink. After that, we start to scope out Stary. Then, we hear fire again, sounds like a CZ sniper rifle, pretty slow rate of fire, so it is a bolt action of some sort. My mate gets hit, and ends up dead, and then I get hit, and get taken out. My final blood count is -139000 (there are no decimal places there) iii) Is that even possible, or were we facing off against hackers?
  9. We definitely got him. Also, he was firing at us, so he wasn't connecting. Mates kill count went up and his name flashed along the bottom as dead. he probably tried to alt f4, but wasn't fast enough. But that's all good to know that at least we weren't facing hackers, and they just got the better of us (we all noobs).
  10. lukasaurus

    Tents & Saving

    So I found a massive cache of tents, full of weapons. Doesn't seem to be hacked. I've been stealing from it for a while and transferring it to my own tents a few kms away. I've been saving my own tents, but not their tents. Whenever I come back on the next day, everything that was in their tents is back again. Is that because I didn't save their tents? I don't mind, since the guys I am stealing from have no idea and I have a heap of stuff. Is this the duping bug?
  11. lukasaurus

    Tents & Saving

    So my tents, even though I saved, will be empty when I log in now? damn. All that running last night for nothing. At least the other tents will still be full.
  12. Yep, plenty of friendlies, but you won't find them very far north. Berezino tends to have friendlies scavenging, but North West, especially Stary inwards, is all bandits, or survivors who are intent on revenge and will kill anyone on sight thinking they are a bandit.
  13. lukasaurus

    Friendly hacker?

    Happened to a few of my mates and myself. In Berezino, then suddenly several cars appear out of nowhere, honking and going bonkers. We get in, they drive us away from the zombie mess we had gotten ourselves into, and then disappear.
  14. So I'm up near Airfield, at a Heli Crash Site, just got myself an AS50 and I head into some cover. Suddenly, I see CHECK YOUR FIRE in blue appear in the bottom left (with coords) Is this a glitch, or is someone telling me that they are friendly? I thought side chat was disabled in the NZ servers...
  15. lukasaurus

    Bring DayZ to console aswell!

    Why would they use a new engine for a standalone game? They could still use the Arma II engine, especially since BI seem on board with it. Um, it's not a matter of a simple "loop" to fire while the gun is held down. Firstly, the bullets are not objects in the game, but are used by calculating a ray cast from the firing point of the gun. In most FPS, this ray is a straight line. In Arma II, I think it is a curved line, which is even more difficult to calculate. Programming is not easy.
  16. The servers restart every 10 minutes, everyone dies at once through hacks (falling from the sky was a new one for me), I randomly get kicked, even though those servers don't have admins (they are maintained by ISPs in NZ). And it's not just me. It is everyone that plays on NZ servers and ANZ servers. It's shit and I can't play because every 10 minutes you die.
  17. Meh, the Thunderdome is a reference to Mad Max III, where people fight to the death in an arena. The hackers teleport you there and force you to kill each other with high end weaponry.
  18. It really sucked for me, because 5 seconds prior to being thunderdomed, a zombie broken one of my bones (fell on a staircase). I was about to start crawling to the hospital in Berezino which would have taken 5 minutes or so, and I had a bag full of cooked meat, and then boom "welcome to the thunderdome". I log and when I come back, I'm stuck in the middle of the airfield with a broken leg, 1 bullet and it is pitch black. I just fired my gun, got the attention of some Z's and let them eat me. So, for anyone on ANZ 15 this morning, there is a body on the airstrip that has matches, which I hear are pretty rare. All my other loot was in a tent somewhere else, and I'm not giving that position away.
  19. Just happened on NZ 15. I just quit, but now, when I log in, I'm going to be stuck in the middle of a runway on an airfield, with only an M9 with one bullet (because my enfield bugged out when I dropped it and disappeared).
  20. lukasaurus

    worst clan fight ever

    Hahahahahahahahaha. Kids and perma-death.
  21. Would be nice to know your location (country, not city or state).
  22. Was working fine, getting a consistent 20-30fps. Log in to the same server again tonight (NZ 7) and it's a slideshow. This has happened on this server before. Everyone got kicked, logged in again to an empty server and it was back to normal. So, for me at least, it's not client side.
  23. lukasaurus

    Poll: DayZ or The War Z?

    Yeah, everyone seems to be "Ohh, DayZ I love you so much I'll never leave you, I hate the War Z and hope it dies". Competition is good. But in the end, there can be only one. And I'll play whatever that one is.
  24. lukasaurus

    Bring DayZ to console aswell!

    Console sounds great. I mean, the code is already written for the game, it would take, what, like 20 minutes to copy and paste into XNA right? right? <_<