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About HomelessRomantic

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. HomelessRomantic

    The Best Start Ever!

    We have people hacking and Alt F4ing and you're complaining about someone turning up their gamma....? That's just said in my opinion.
  2. HomelessRomantic

    US95 TX21 Server Wipe + Restart 730pm central! Join in!

    I'm logged in right now. There has been no reset what-so-ever.
  3. HomelessRomantic

    Zombies VS flashlights

    From what I've experienced, no. They won't act any differently than if you have your light off. If you are in their line of sight however, they may see you. But then again, they may see you with the light off anyway.
  4. HomelessRomantic

    Friend can't see servers than I can + another issue

    Are there any list of ports that dayz uses? I tried googling and couldn't find any.
  5. HomelessRomantic

    Friend can't see servers than I can + another issue

    So no definite solutions to this? I was thinking my friend's router was the issue since I'm directly connected to my modem. When I add ping/min player filters on my settings, I see 5x more servers than he does. Our pings are the same, so the servers that come up should be the same as well.
  6. So my friend and I are trying to join a server where I have a camp set up. He can't see servers that I can see, and I can't see servers that he can see. Some servers we can both see, but this is very annoying because I have a vehicle, and tons of gear on a server he cannot join. We've tried searching with both the Six Launcher, and ingame.