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Bulletproof Sandwich

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Everything posted by Bulletproof Sandwich

  1. Bulletproof Sandwich

    Trading M14 Aim and Camo clothing

    i am interested in the trade what specifically are you leaning towards as trade materials are you searching for other weapon(s) as a trade or just tools etc
  2. Bulletproof Sandwich

    progression as a dayz player

    the sound is very low i had to turn my speakers up by a lot
  3. Bulletproof Sandwich

    Why I kill unarmed players

    over what? being able to log on a locked server to restock supplies then switching to a real server to test your new guns out just to die in a few minutes over and over again? must be a fun game just sitting around drinking pond water and eating pig meat around a camp fire all day
  4. Bulletproof Sandwich

    Why I kill unarmed players

    can only hope that locked server becomes blacklisted in the next couple of minutes
  5. Bulletproof Sandwich

    Why I kill unarmed players

    it seems legit to me what is to prevent said unarmed player from following you around and looting your backpack (no looting animations for when someone is accessing a backpack) or spotting an enfield in a corner and then shooting you in the back even 1 shot to the head with a makarov will kill anybody unless they are behind a window
  6. Bulletproof Sandwich

    lol really?

    sounds like a guy who uses scripts to spawn items on himself just report it and never play on that server again
  7. Bulletproof Sandwich

    Anyone got a vehicle for trade?

    you never answered the question how do you do the vehicle trade does that mean you will stay and play on the server the vehicle is on or what? can you explain specifically what you think will happen in a vehicle trade?
  8. Bulletproof Sandwich

    Anyone got a vehicle for trade?

    how do you even trade the vehicle they only stay on the server they were found unless you are looking for a script kiddy to spawn you one on your server i've also noticed that you have been spamming the forums with all 4 of your posts just searching for vehicle trades
  9. lmao if they need to restart the server just to save their vehicles they are noobs go check out US 1340 hosted by the HF clan they run a script that automatically kicks players when they destroy a vehicle after you load back in the vehicle is repaired/gassed up to full
  10. Bulletproof Sandwich

    Looking for M4A1 CCO SD

    how many FAL mags do you actually have because i have a range of M4-M16's i can trade just for the magazines
  11. Bulletproof Sandwich

    Trading for SVD/M24 , M9 SD + Possible others

    you can use a DMR with NVG's DMR is the same as an M24 but with a larger magazine so no idea why you wanna use the M24 (same damage, range, sound) I do have an extra to trade if interested
  12. Bulletproof Sandwich


    so the script kiddies killed you and you lost your spawned/duped items who the hell goes to polana?
  13. are you going to use the helicopter from this thread? http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/67394-looking-for-co-pilot-2-gunners/#entry644583 the one you spawned?
  14. Bulletproof Sandwich

    A way to join a server as a group

    http://arma2.swec.se/server/list find a server join manually by IP not hard
  15. Bulletproof Sandwich

    So I have a tent and I can cook meat...

    place a tent inside a warehouse only the newest of characters go there out of random curiosity or just some guy looking for a hatchet
  16. lmao people would rather go to a different server there are thousands they could move to if an admin ever resorted to running scripts hell the guy will probably get banned long before he takes care of the script kiddies "plaguing" his server
  17. no what on earth is the point thunder doming your own server just to kill the thunder domers herp derp ima nuke my own server along with everybody on it just to kill 2 guys just perma ban them and move on
  18. Bulletproof Sandwich

    My Idiot friends (Banned)

    can only hope they are perma banned from any game releases pertaining to DayZ
  19. Bulletproof Sandwich

    So I have a tent and I can cook meat...

    if i am reading it correctly.... he doesnt care that the meat was taken
  20. so how many helicopters did you spawn?
  21. can you quote exactly where you have seen those "features" at because i have yet to see them being posted by a developer
  22. Bulletproof Sandwich

    Friendly mode

    what are you trying to "survive" from after players are removed? oh yay you have finished exploring the map and have all those cool guns Hatchet Canteen Box of Matches Hunting Knife now find an area far away from towns/cities with a pond or other water source nearby then continue to drink water and eat pig meat congrats you have survived DayZ GAME OVER now THATS fun /not
  23. not sure if trolling or serious OP if you wanted to "survive" get the following 4 items Hatchet Canteen Box of Matches Hunting Knife now find an area far away from towns/cities with a pond or other water source nearby then continue to drink water and eat pig meat congrats you have survived DayZ GAME OVER
  24. Bulletproof Sandwich

    Does anyone else feel this way about Kamenka?

    kemenka is a great spawn so im not sure what you are trying to say here
  25. Bulletproof Sandwich

    Trading M4A1 SD for Bizon PP-19 SD

    if you really want an SMG just us the MP5 SD