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BlackHat (DayZ)

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About BlackHat (DayZ)

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  1. I love this server and highly recommend it to anyone looking for a great time.
  2. Another useless video posted to YouTube....more cats imo. Thumbs down for lack of cats.
  3. BlackHat (DayZ)


    You cannot ban for holding a non-dayz weapon. You can only ban if they spawned it ON your server and you have proof of it.
  4. BlackHat (DayZ)

    Banned from US87

    http://www.nwogaming.com/ is the server hosts for US87 and US88
  5. I can never get this time wasted time back....
  6. BlackHat (DayZ)

    NZ 27 Multiple hacks

    I love how people come to report players who have troll memes as their avatar....how ironic.
  7. Mod, What about the admin breaking the server rules? or can you now kick / ban a player for killing a admin on a server / locking a server for personal gain.
  8. You do not understand the rules placed on the server admins, do you? Did o7 spawn the loot or did he see some random box sitting on the ground and decide to loot it? ---One is ban-able by rocket's set standards the other is not. How did those two get to a remote location next to each other? Do you have logs that they teleported there on YOUR server? ---You are not allowed to assume when banning someone.
  9. BlackHat (DayZ)

    FR100 Possible Admin-cheater

    Do you have actual proof that it was Enko or are you just assuming...
  10. Last I checked, you cannot ban for "association"; the hacker however, more power to you for banning him.
  11. BlackHat (DayZ)

    Admin Abuse US 888

    Called out! I just checked that server. It seems that nameplates are turned off as well. Fail Hacker is fail.
  12. BlackHat (DayZ)

    THAT Mountain. Sorry to US 1218.

    Don't you mean "Green Mountain".
  13. Topic says it all. What video settings do you use in game?
  14. BlackHat (DayZ)

    List of servers with side/global chat ON

    It does not, I just checked.