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Everything posted by Hyroshi

  1. Does anyone have a particular favorite youtuber for dayz? I like sideStrafe... Or just videos? :heart:
  2. Hyroshi

    Suggestion for cutting down on bandits

    This thread is cute, keep on killing everyone bandits.
  3. How grand it must be to be of such superior moral caliber. Thank you.
  4. I can see both sides of this argument to be honest.
  5. That was REALLY good, cheers m8.
  6. Hyroshi

    Poll: Do you play at night?

    Day is the only time I really play, night is just meh overall.
  7. Hyroshi

    Favorite youtuber for Dayz?

    I really enjoyed watching Chkilroy and the bike clip was LOL worthy.
  8. Hyroshi

    New backpack for Dayz

    I lold.
  9. Hyroshi

    Injured, need advice

    This is a stupid question... Do I need matches to light a fire? I have yet to see a bloody pocket book of matches in 20+ hours of playing!
  10. This is the first time since Ultima Online that I felt I was *nervous* about the end result of my decisions... I love it when the voice in the back of your head screams "NOOOO"""!... Then you die for not listening to it. Cheers!
  11. Go north, good luck!
  12. Hyroshi

    What happens when you die ingame?

    I would suggest trying out another game, this is not for you my friend.
  13. Hyroshi

    DayZ in a nutshell

    You can make anything in life sound boring. Sex? Foreplay, clothes off, foreplay, foreplay, get her off, get you off, done... zZz right?
  14. Hyroshi

    Dev may stop?

    Give this man a hand, dumb comes in many forms. :heart:
  15. Hyroshi

    friendly server

    Bwhahaha... This is not the mod for you my friend.
  16. Hyroshi

    Dev may stop?

    You are all a special kind of special... Just wow.
  17. Hyroshi

    OH SO CLOSE!!!

    Hello everyone! Once I connect to a server, I get a black screen(I can see chat etc) that says "Waiting for server response"... I went about making sure every driver was up to date, SP3, reinstalled Arma(both versions), and still no luck! Does anyone have any ideas? Cheers! :heart: EDIT: Steam version, using the auto updater tool.
  18. Hyroshi

    OH SO CLOSE!!!

    Thanks Worrom! I will just try it out a few times over the next few hours and see how it goes.