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Everything posted by wulvgar

  1. hehe took them long enough. Typical, don't work people with half a brain just use google and other forums.
  2. there are 100's of private servers already running. you just have to know where to look Good Admin's review the logs with improved mods and perma banned Dupers and hackers. Saw 5 get banned with in 10min of joining the private server I use Justice is sweet :) Public hive is failure even rocket knows it but cant say it because of investors. Hence why the model will change in the next six months to cluster of private trusted secure servers. Public hive will be left to the script kiddies cheating against each other
  3. yep, and will only get worst. GO search out private servers, they police who can play on their servers very closely its a private hive so stuff only saved on that server, but its fun watching cheaters getting instant Perma BANNED.
  4. cant seem figure out easy way to do this always have place rifle on the ground to use the axe
  5. go private server on Tunngle, not seen a single hacker all day. Admins are more strict and run mods that help them police the game better. They cant run mods on public hive so they turn it off. Much more fun and no cheating
  6. Isn't it time to turn the servers completely over to real admins with full control ? Its already being done on Tunggle, and we are having fun again with NO cheaters. So what I can't move my gear from server to server. I trust the server I'm using and no plans to switch. Its obvious public hive will never work with hackers and dupers running rapid. The Admins who are dedicated to running a fun non-cheating server have proven themselves for many many years in other FPS multiplayer games - Currently they have zero control over cheaters on there own servers. -This Public Hive model will never work, you cant stop cheating in fps multiplayer games. - No Battleye can't help the Dev them was crazy to think it will - Good Admin's who have 100% control over there servers is the only answer. Who cares you cant take gear from server to server not using public hive. I'm playing a fun server thats policed by Admins instant banned cheaters why would I switch ? And if you do switch servers only takes 20min get guns and ammo if you know where to look. How do they police it ? they Mod the game giving them full control and disconnected from the hacked hive. Good by hacked Public Hive. Hello Private servers :) PS: I don't read nor respond to Troll post
  7. Killed 2 guys in building, looted them. wow they had amazing guns and gear. 5 min later same 2 guys showed up with fully geared on them to kill me. I killed them again Spawned near same sight ? carrying same guns and gear again ? Waited about 5min here they come again. This time they got me. Great game but, every server is being duped and hacked now. suxs, oh well fun while it lasted. Oh and dont believe how easy to dupe just google it and see videos for yourself.
  8. I feel your frustration, try Tunngle I reading its the cure :) Installing it now. Screw the public Hive because they've lost control over it.
  9. just found out can play private servers using Tunngle, this might be a cure. find some clan vs clan server with no punk dupers ;)
  10. yea suxs, pretty much over now. Now I recall why dont play FPS online. always hacked ...laugh. Can play your own private server but not much a challenge Ignore the troll replies, its just the dupers and hackers trying keep lid on things hoping they dont get fixed. laterz off to play something else
  11. With a wife and job its hard to play Dayz but I do love it. I hope they tweak night time duration and view distance of zombies. As a Casual player I love it but cant spend 3-4 hour sneaking around in the dark. You can't accomplish much of any thing so really no point to play during the dark. I'm not saying remove night because I do love night time. Just shorten some players only have 2-3 hours to play. Half time its always dark when I get on to play so cant play. View distance of zombies is unrealistic long I'll be some 75yards away kneeling near a tree surrounded by tall grass and Mr SPeedy we run right at me for no reason. DIdnt make a sound. -Even hidden behind a car about 75 yards out And Boom he sees you -Eye sight of Zombies isnt that good. Even make 1 bar noise at 75 yards out they should NOT hear or see you. - Its a zombie the eyes and ears are rotten to the core. - Right now the zombies seem to use Default AI as veteran ? Just a guess - Yes I know laying keeps you from being seen, but zombie still shouldn't see you 75 yards. There eyesight is not clear. - Smell ? no idea laugh Add + Night + Zombie unrealistic long viewing or hearing = can't play for casual player Loving the game keep up great work and great feed back, all!!
  12. Wow thanks everyone. I had no idea the AI was that advance. I'll be sure try a different server with change in night to day to help get going in game. Its freaking addictive. I hope I don't loose my job and wife because of Dayz hahah joke...cough