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Everything posted by Prion

  1. Prion

    Should combat logging be ban-able?

    in alpha when the game is still crashing, fixing this is not quite a good idea. are you going to ban everyone whose game crashes? good luck keeping anyone on your server
  2. this must make it into the public sa.
  3. Prion

    [SA] Multiple Characters

    I don't think we should limit any of this, and that this is one of those things that should be server policy, like 3P or 24/7 day, etc. I'm not against the idea, just against mandating the idea for everyone and reducing options.
  4. Prion

    Modern dayz in a nutshell

    i dont really get these crazy DayZ maps. when i want intense pvp with crazy gear, weapons and vehicles - i play wasteland
  5. Prion


    this is the crap that makes me rage quit dayz mod repeatedly. doorway breaks my legs. rocks break my legs. tents break my legs. house seems a bit high, vault to get up on foundation and break my legs. that and how zombies just run through walls is so god damn annoying.
  6. you'll have to wait for the standalone
  7. yup, berezino is my fav as well.
  8. Prion

    Ammo scarcity

    agree,ammo should be a lot more scarce. I'm OK with magazines being as common as they are, but they should be empty! Once you get to a police precint / military compound you should be able to load your magazines up if you can find a stash of cartridges in the caliber you need.
  9. I'm pretty friendly in dayz, and usually don't open fire first. My problem seems to be these dumbasses that run up to me and try to melee me with an axe , crowbar, machete. I have to shoot them in the face. It also doesn't help when I ask "are you friendly" and the response is gunfire (even though they aren't bandits). It's hard not to kill those people. I wish there was game mechanic to take these things into consideration.
  10. Prion

    A zombie idea

    i'd be happy with a zombie lifecycle that correlates to the path a virus might take. perhaps there is an infection ramp up period, where senses are enhanced (visual, auditorial) and physical performance enhanced (zombies that can run longer than a player can), pcp/crackhead strength, but this changes later as the virus runs its course, and the body is depleted of resources and physically damaged (at this point they can only walk, maybe eventually crawl) this also opens the door that perhaps eventually some people could turn into zombies, and play as zombies. :o
  11. Prion

    really laggy on good computer?

    you could try new graphics drivers. might not help though to be honest.
  12. Prion

    BMRF DayZero squad

    sort of interested, but keep telling myself the SA is right around the corner.
  13. i hope they just license the real audio track for launch instead of trying to mimic it. fantastic audio track.
  14. Prion

    GUID Changed, but same CD Key, PID

    oh right, that must be the case for non hive servers as well. i have no idea how it would be possible for the GUID calculation to produce a different results without a different cd key
  15. Prion

    A way to kill zombies without weapons

    Sounds like a good way to become infected :D One of my biggest gripes with teh mod is that once you have a melee weapon (axe) and would like a releatively silent kill, it is a bitch to put your primary in your backpack so you can take the axe off your belt and go in for a kill. I'm sure they have a new mechanism for that though.
  16. Prion

    GUID Changed, but same CD Key, PID

    That's strange. AFAIK the GUID is calculated server side based on a hash of the CD key. Did you mess with any server side files that might affect the calculation of the GUID?
  17. Prion


    The interesting thing though, is that if you keep milking them after they have a calf, they will continue to produce milk. Same works for people, women used to be employed as 'wet nurses' and probably are in some parts of the world. They feed infants breast milk for a living, and just go from child to child, and continue to produce milk as long as the milk is extracted. So cow in the wild, yeah fat chance. Cow on a farm, milk away.
  18. Sometimes it has unexpected consequences. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-20546302
  19. Prion

    Choosing the Bandit Life

    dude everything is down Internet, landlines, and cell phones are affected.
  20. Prion

    Cries and shouts from injury/death

    I like this idea, although I'm not sure it would have a big effect for a lot of kills. I do like the idea though of you not being able to join a specific server for 30 minutes after you die. I think the idea that people can have permanent camps, die and run to camp to re-gear is pretty silly. I don't think people would be so willing to pop eachother in the face if it meant chances were much higher they would lose their shit.
  21. Prion

    Need a Taviana server

    native support is always better than hacked in support though. would be nice to see more Celle and Taviana servers up, those maps have a lot of potential compared to something like UTES or TAKISTAN. the thick forests really open the map up for campsites again
  22. Prion

    What one is best?

    if it were me i'd pair the 660ti with the intel i5 you've got selected. both rigs are sufficient to play dayz
  23. Prion

    Build 1.7.3 Rolling Update

    big up to everyone involved, this update is huge.
  24. hell yeah, thanks again Josh. I'm savvy enough to do the installs manually, but I appreciate the hell out of the efforts you've put into DayZCommander. One click installs are the bomb. You do good work.