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Marcellus Wallace

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About Marcellus Wallace

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  1. I hate people like you that claim peace and betray them. I mean, yeah, it's part of the game, but really. That's just in my opinion, the gayest thing that you can do.
  2. Marcellus Wallace

    My newest goal in DayZ.

    You are one sick son of a bitch. I love it.
  3. Marcellus Wallace

    Blood transfusion help?

    Oh wow, I looted a bunch of raw meat off a dead guy I found here, too! I'll go find some fire equipment.
  4. Marcellus Wallace

    Blood transfusion help?

    Hiya! I'm in Cherno right now, and I've got about 7600 blood left, and loads of stuff I found at Cherno's firehouse station. Does anyone want to help give me a blood transfusion, I have the blood bags, and pleanty of food and maybe a gun I can pay you with. Anyone can help me out, just make sure you don't approach me with a gun, or I will shoot. I'm in the ground floor of Cherno firehouse on server US 371. Please, I'm asking for honest help. My IGN is salvonix.
  5. Marcellus Wallace

    Lost in the woods! Help?

    Well, I did make my way back. I immediatley aggro'd a swarm of zombies residing in the town I came out of the woods to find. Gg, DayZ.
  6. Marcellus Wallace

    Anyone up for a team? (Just Spawned)

    If you guys want, add me because I actually am going to get off for the night. I'll be on tomorrow though.' Skype: lady-killer-strider
  7. Marcellus Wallace

    Anyone up for a team? (Just Spawned)

    I'm from Indiana in the US.
  8. Marcellus Wallace

    Anyone up for a team? (Just Spawned)

  9. I need a group of buddies to play and loot with, because playing alone is really, REALLY fucking hard. So, if you have skype, post it and I'll add you, and we can go find some shit.
  10. Marcellus Wallace

    Lost in the woods! Help?

    Well, it appears my options are; 1. Break my legs and die. 2. Be eaten by zombies. (Which I can't even find.) 3. Follow the clouds on a long trek. None of these sound particularly fun, but okay.
  11. Marcellus Wallace

    Lost in the woods! Help?

    My respawn button is unclickable, guys.
  12. Marcellus Wallace

    Lost in the woods! Help?

    That's the thing, it's darkened and won't let me click it! I would have done that ages ago.
  13. Marcellus Wallace

    Lost in the woods! Help?

    Hey, friends. Um, I have a bit of a problem. Following the road near where I spawned, I walked through a tiny district of houses, and then maybe what equates to about a mile, before coming to what looks like the edge of the world, where grass stopped being visible on the ground and it was just flat. I walked through the nearest forest, being as dumb as I am and not following the road back, and now I'm horridly lost! I don't have anything besides starting equipment, due to dying multiple times on my previous characters, and I was wondering if there is a way to start over instead of stumbling through the forest in an attempt to find civilization which will most likely end up fruitless. Thanks.