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Posts posted by Jockeez

  1. I get 60-80 fps outside cities and 40-50 fps inside cities with my MSI GTX 660 Ti PE.

    I also got the I5 3570k, but overclocked it to 4.8GHz. I don't notice any difference if I leave it at stock 3.4 - 3.8GHz.

    Try to set HDR quality to normal (huge performance increase for me), anti aliasing to normal (higher than this just decreases my fps and doesn't really look better) and postprocess effect disabled (high will make it harder for you to see people, and increases formance). All other settings can be set on very high!

    I've got pretty much everything on low exept for the 3d resolution which is at 200% - found the problem and that was my harddrive.

  2. Thats the thing tho, i've tried a bunch! of diffrent servers and i'm getting max like 40-50 fps.

    If anyone more skilled on googling, then i would be so thankful if you found an option..

    Also i'm gonna show u my harddrive speed since ive heard this can affect the game by alot.

    - I think i found the problem.

    And that is that its my C drive, being so slow.

    Its currently at 25mb/s wich is beyond slow xD

  3. Well hello there, is it just me or does the arma 2 engine perform utterly bad? i'm quite tired of having an ok pc with such low framerates, and honestly if i lower the graphics to the lowest or having them to the max it wont change my fps, i'm getting roughly 40 fps outside citys and 20-ish inside.

    My Specs:

    EVGA GTX 670 FTW

    I5 3570k Overclocked to 4.2 ghz

    8 gig ram

    i've also heard that if i get an ssd it will fix my issues, is this correct?

    I've also heard that they're going to fix this in the standalone is this correct? ;)

  4. Yup that is it. You can use those pics for my post as well :P

    yeah i'm getting the exact same thing :) This is the problem and i think it has something to do with the patch :P lols well i was actually checking around inside of my computer and everything looked fine ^^