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Everything posted by grimreapaa

  1. Downloading Taviana right now, planning to check it out! Hope to see some vehicles XD
  2. I copied the AddOns folder from my ARMA 2 directory into the ARMA 2 OA directory and still have the same issue when joining servers that have Fallujah or Taviana. However, upon further investigation I noticed that there are no 'fallujah' or 'taviana' files existing in the AddOns folder. I am stumped and clueless of what to do next since this seemed to be the only solution...
  3. after trying out the server i really did enjoy it! friendly community and some nice vehicle spawns in the most random of places. with the veteran game difficulty, the zombies just keep coming in larger numbers and it really creates a challenge! love the server for a private hive :) hope to see it grow!
  4. Let me start off by introducing myself: You don't know me, I don't know you. Let's keep it at that. Anyways, I need 6 players that are willing to do some quick dirty work with me. All will be explained in Skype and the first 6 are welcome to stay for the loot, as long as they can take orders and work in an organized matter. Reward: One motor vehicle for each person in the group and any gear grabbed along the way (this may consist of [but not limited to]: camos, AS50, Barrett .50, L85 (NV/Thermal toggle), rangefinders, NVGs, and much more). All will be explained in Skype, just remember that you have to follow a few simple directions. Once the cargo is moved, we will each go our separate ways. Add me (Skype): GrimReapaa
  5. grimreapaa

    Need 6 trustworthy, trained bandits

    Sorry you couldn't see that explosion. That was the biggest revenge plot I have ever done xD it was definitely worth it!
  6. grimreapaa

    Need 6 trustworthy, trained bandits

    That was great. Only two other people showed up and we blew up their base, got an SVD camo and an MK 48. I will post a video tomorrow, if anyone cares to see it. EDIT: For the story, I was backstabbed by a group of 9 players that I was working with for a week or so and we ended up placing satchel charges on their vehicles at midnight while stealing all of their guns XD
  7. grimreapaa

    Notorious clan take their first heli ride

    Nice job on the chopper! I heard they weren't in this patch but I guess they were... However, I am yet to see the single one spawn on my server : /
  8. Hey guys, I decided to start a new series with the Arma II DayZ mod and I was wondering if any of you would take the good time to watch it and dictate your opinion on the episode. I appreciate all and any feedback so feel free to comment! Video Description: Welcome to the first episode of my latest series for the mod of Arma II. This series is dedicated to giving tips, hints, and useful tricks to viewers that may help them survive their DayZ encounters. In this episode, we explore the basic controls and situations for a newly spawned player... And that Chernogorsk is the WORST place to start off in.
  9. grimreapaa

    Arma II: The DayZ Experience Episode 1

    Thanks for the tip! I was also thinking of Balota originally but since I spawned right next to Cherno, I decided to try my luck.