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Everything posted by sheepdawg

  1. sheepdawg

    People who KOS should have better aim than this (fixed)

    I understand 3rd person is a choice, but please use it responsibly. The only reason you have ANYTHING to say about his shitty aim, is because you are abusing 3rd person. Simple as that. Looking around blind corners, etc. Had you played in first-person, actually if BOTH of you played first only, my guess is you would have lost that encounter, and most likely hadn't even known he was there. It's evident you didnt know you actually saw a PC until he took that shot. Then you started (what is in my own personal opinion) 3rd person trickery and crutch. But what map/area is that? That looked weird. And did you HALO in for a new spawn?
  2. sheepdawg

    Direct Chat/Voice isn't working .

    Oh I am fully aware of the difference but I did miss that so I'm sorry. Also I don't run a server but the point you make about 'derp animals? derp' being answered and not this actually sounds extremely infuriating. If nothing else, here's a bump to hopefully get your topic answered,
  3. sheepdawg

    Direct Chat/Voice isn't working .

    DisableVON = Disable Voice over Network I would assume. Im no DZ server host, But I have to imagine there is a better way to deny certain chats(vehicle/group/side/direct) other than that option. As I stated above I do not host a server but that DVON seems pretty obvious that it is you problem. EDIT: After reading past the line i read I see you have already tried this. Are you on a public/private hive? Was this working prior to the 1.8 update? I can only assume there is some sort of server.cfg file in there that has some jacked up settings. Something that looks like this? https://github.com/Pwnoz0r/DayZ-Private-Server/blob/master/cfgdayz/server.cfg
  4. Jesus Christ. The Stand Alone will be out when it's ready. If you don't want to wait, go get some other POS zombie game that's saturating the market(coincidentally after DayZ Mod made a humongous splash in the gaming community). So sick of you people bitching and moaning. Here is an informative topic, with all access to all updates about a project you supposedly love so much by someone who probably has other IRL things that are more important to do, but then you complain. Do yourself a favor, change your password without looking, then use the password recovery when you want to come here and stop being a cancer on this society. That post may seem harsh, but ALL OF US are waiting for the damn standalone. Let Rocket(and co.) work his(their) magic. After all, if he didn't give a shit about this franchise, he would have never made the gawsh darn mod to begin with.
  5. sheepdawg

    Why does my laptop do this?

    Windows 8? If so this may help while I search more: http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/windows_8-system/asus-laptop-stuck-in-automatic-repair-loop/e1318fa1-c8c5-4dda-bc21-f771c8ea9a4f Here is a youtube video that may be of help as well http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NVzf00YiRM CHECK THE DESCRIPTION FOR AN APPARENT UPDATED FIX/VIDEO
  6. sheepdawg

    need to change walking & running style

    FWIW...yes I was drunk when I wrote that ;p so don't feel bad.
  7. sheepdawg

    need to change walking & running style

    If you do not like the voice of your Arma character there is a way to change it. On the main menu, edit your profile you will see a voice selection and a pitch bar. Adjust to your liking. One time I was super drunk and put my pitch way up high and all my radio chatter was fucking hilarious, then annoying so I changed it back.
  8. lol this stuff is just nutty TBH. what kinda post is this sheit? yay DayZ SA is a 1yr old concept. better than warZ infestation survivor stories
  9. sheepdawg

    CD Key Help

    http://www.dayzcommander.com/ You're welcome. Hopefully. Usually means you have shit load of mods installe dor really jut one that conflicts with another. EDIT: Have you installed both and then run both separately?
  10. drop ur backpack you have, pick up new one, mousewhl, inventory open ur pack and transfer items.
  11. sheepdawg

    Speed test

  12. Current Specs: CPU: AMD Phenom II x4 955 BlackEdition @ 3.2ghz :| GPU: ASUS GTX 460 "Dark Knight" 768mb Superclocked(maybe Overclocked, I forget the actual name) :( PSU: 500w Corsair Modular something or other(decent but I assume I'll need moar power!) :| RAM: 2x 2 GB Gskill pc2-6400 DDR2( :( :( ) MoBo: Gigabyte GA-MA78LM-S2H :| Case: Dunno the name but def not going to upgrade that, its relatively new Basically I built this PC about(minus the case) like 3-4 years ago. I want to upgrade slowly but want to make sure its "futureproof" (lol there's no such thing in PC gaming but you get my drift). I dont have a budget as I will spend whatever the cost is(over a period of time). I jsut want to know basically what is the word on the street about new products or tested and true ones. I want to play all games, so really jsut a good beast, for not too expensive, but doesnt need to be cheap. Maybe people can post their specs here instead of searching the internet for links(please dont waste your time finding links to all these items, I will google/shop myself with proper names in hand) but I jsut havent kept up with the jonses due to my extremely demanding job. TL;DR: Give me your PC specs/tell me what are hot items these days for a PC build. Money not an issue since I will be upgrading over time. EDIT: jsut = just. I for some reason can not type that word while in a typing frenzy
  13. sheepdawg

    Being a cabdriver

    If you want to be a "taxi" then play Arma 2 instead of DayZ. Too many assholes play this. I'd recommend Domination as a game mode if you want to be a passive part of the action. Sometimes I hop in there and fly people around in the C-130 or choppers. It's fun!
  14. Used to be an Intel fanboy, swore Intel up and down all day, but then loved the shit out of this cheap AMD setup. One thing I hate about AMD is the way to mount their heatsinks. Always felt like Intel nailed that better and made it easier. I really honestly felt like a new MoBo and ram would help(ddr2 is so expensive and slower than 3 so that is an obvious need. But I never wanted to upgrade my GPU untill I upgraded RAM. Is that a stupid move? Will my DDR2 4GB hold up to a new 7xx Nvidia card, or will it bottleneck the shit outta it?
  15. Recently got the Corsair H60. My Phenom still runs pretty hot so not sure if crappy cooler, crappy heatsink job, or crappy thermal...or jsut the average AMD CPU running hot.
  16. I need a laptop because I travel a lot for work. I do not need a "gaming laptop"(because lets face it, there is no such thing). I want a laptop that has decent CPU/RAM/HDD space on it as I want to use it for practicing programming languages on the road. I have looked on Ebay but am pretty skeptical about purchasing blindly like that. So I turn once again to the forums and hope you can enlighten me on any and all places to get a decent laptop for cheap(I am talkin like less than 300 bucks). Thanks in advance to all who investigate this issue for me.
  17. sheepdawg

    Serious need of Laptop(purchase) help.

    But see I have a dedicated gaming PC at home I do not need a laptop that expensive, and personally care very little how well it runs DayZ(although that is impressive for a lappy). Im looking for an amazing deal. Decent CPU(def Dual core+), Good HDD storage(120Gb+) and decent ram to compile shit(at least 3+Gb). Video/gfx doesn't need to be fancy in the slightest.
  18. I currently have a ASUS GTX460 768mb "Dark Knight Edition". I am looking into probably getting a new card since it's relatively dated and is only 768mb. It's been a good card and has absolutely done it job so I was wondering what would be a RELATIVELY CHEAP but NOTICEABLE upgrade. Since this card isn't broken nor really a poor performer, I need suggestions on things that are bang for my buck. Budget is 300 but could possibly be 400 if it is worth it. For shits and gigs, here is my current set up(in case you have better recommendations than a gfx card). AMD Phenom II x4 955BE @ 3.2ghz 4GB DDR2 800(i know i know, I need moar ram but don't want to buy a new MoBo etc unless i have to) Ram GTX460 Black Knight Edition Gigabyte Am2/3 Mobo There you go you tech savvy types, show me the light to upgrade to something worth while. Thanks in advance for your endless internet tabs and search inquiries. EDIT: I would prefer Nvidia, as I have been fanboy for life, but if there's a good ATI recommend, I suppose I can go that route.
  19. Thanks for the link. Very interesting but I think ill need a bigger PSU to be on the safe side. I have the H60 whih replaced that cooler. I have to admit I feel like the H60 does less at Idle but more under load, but I am not sure as my PSU and GFX card are both relatively old, dirty and outdated.
  20. I've tried with Steam(both arma2 and arma2 dayz offered by Steam), dayzcommander and playsix(or whatever) but i cant get into any servers I keep getting the ght.pbo(or something like that) error about signatures etc. When I use the A2 server browser most of the dots are red and the rest yellow with a question mark in it. Please help if you can...
  21. sheepdawg

    Guns for Blood Bags

    Are you a Vampire?
  22. scerw it. uninstall/reinstall to see if that works. I got plenty of internet.
  23. Hmm that did not seem to work. Exact error reads as follows: "Files "C:\Program Files(x86)Steam\SteamApps\Common\Arma 2\addons\glt.lhd.pbo" are not signed by a key accepted by this server. To play on this server, remove listed files or install additional accepted keys." So yep, not quite sure what that means. I have the newest version of A2Beta, verified and everything. 14 files downloaded BTW on the verify. I have done all that but once i get into A2 these errors are what I am seeing, regardless of the method I loaunch DayZ with.
  24. Blegh I havent done that as i figured installing the A2Beta patch manually(from the site) would fix it. Cant believe I didnt try this haha, thanks for jogging my memory man. Should have read my own advice in other help threads, as I always suggest that step haha.
  25. sheepdawg

    Am I a bad player?

    You are a bad person.