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Everything posted by sheepdawg

  1. QFT. Enjoy it but if you are a decent person the guilt will slowly eat away at you, and you will end up in the ocean or a lake watching your "precious" items slowly sink down to Davy Jones' locker.
  2. sheepdawg

    REALLY wanna know whats up

    No its a pain in the ass. THere are servers my frind can get into and I can not. No matter if i use DZCOM or actual Arma2. I dont understand it and sometimes it poses a real problem. EDIT: Its time i get a new keyboard...clearly.
  3. sheepdawg

    too many 50 cal snipers

    Standalone will be better...at least a little bit.
  4. sheepdawg

    Vehicle disappeared

    1)Greedy admins. 2)Hackers 3)LUCKY explorers. AKAIC, Hackers are finding vehicles(EASILY) and ruining all those legit hard hours u put into the game. Simple as that. I've had obvious tents, and seriously so out of the way(but still in bounds) tents on low pop servers(seriously never gettin above 15 players) and my tent and vehicle(seperated mind you) are BOTH gone? Nah, sorry. I dont believe it.
  5. You have my FUCKING BEANS. While I personally do NOT suffer from this issue(don't get me wrong I prefer to spawn on the west side but make what I can of the situation regardless) I love the actually coherent thread you made about a obviously serious problem.
  6. sheepdawg

    Weapon repairing

    I like it but how many people do you know that can survive the trauma of an apocalypse and ALSO can repair gun parts? It needs to implemented with some serious thought. Is it for realism or is it for "gratification". At my brothers boot camp graduation I watched blindfolded army recruits tear down and reassemble a rifle blindfolded, in under a minute. Personally I am sure I could dismantle and clean a rifle, but then again i work construction and am mechanically inclined. I cant assume some news reporter who calls a maid to clean their house would be able to efficiently repair a weapon, or much for that matter. I do like the idea of a "Fallout: New Vegas" repair system where you have to be at the actual location to do it, you cant just sit in the woods and clean your weapon with nothing. Love the idea of decay etc. I also love the idea of being able to fill a canteen while it rains, but we will see how much drive Rocket and Co. has in the future.
  7. People hate change. Hacking in this game is actually(what I assume) easier than most. There is barely any fortifications against hacking, and its a mod of a game. THe damn "game" is essentially a hack of the game. So, people are going to doom and gloom. I have blamed hackers for thigns that just dont feel legit. It is obvious when your tent and car is in the middle of nowhere on a low popluation server and then MIA one day, what really happened. It is not hard, nor really secret that hackers run this game. Have i SEEN a hacker? NO. Have i logged into a server thats been nuked? Yes sir. Whos to say someone isnt "wall hacking" in this game. Its really easy to see a youtube video of people doing this and in a game like DayZ..no spec mode, no sort of regulating or proving hacks, it is WAY easier to get away with. Please note that I have never hacked in this or any other game(unless you count game genie a hack lol) but I get peoples frustrations. This game is about surviving, and when you spend DAYS...err DAYZ looting and building something up, and its wiped away while you snooze IRL, its rather annoying, and brings out the worst of emotions in people. Its always something. VAC sucks, Punkbuster sucks, BE sucks, etc. People need a way to vent but on THESE forums, I have to kinda "tie goes to the runner" because it's way easier to believe someone hacked yo shit, than the server took a poop.
  8. sheepdawg

    Where's My Murder!

    Stop being a scumbag on private servers. No but seriously. I killed someone too and didnt get a bandit murder, even tho he clearly had the scarf on. But I did it on public servers, not some private HIVE server.
  9. sheepdawg

    DayZ makes mainstream news!

    It funny. People who know everything talking absolute bullshit. Religion for some reason comes to my mind when I think of the media. In any country. Its either sensor the news or adapt the sensationalism model, doom and gloom. Lame stream media is for the loss.
  10. sheepdawg

    [DG] clan playing favorites?

    You are really pissed at DG huh? Note to OP: Hackers, glitchers, expliters, script kiddies WILL ruin this game for you. Sorry man. I am pissed too when hours are erased by some loser who cant even play a game correctly, and needs an advantage. Have some beans since you are obviously out of them :).
  11. sheepdawg

    My worst Day in Dayz ever.

    I didn't read all of it. Not because TL;DR, but because I am pissed at the community as well. The hackers suck dick, and the trolls are just as bad. I just wanted to say, take a break(I know I am after being looted and hours erased by some scripting douche bag) and then come back. I am personally on the brink of not touching this game until the standalone comes out.
  12. sheepdawg

    Quick Query...

    I remember when the save state was in the debug menu. IIRC it was about 45 seconds between "saves". I usually lay there for AT LEAST a minute before logging out. I also suggest NEVER logging out in a building because you never know who is coming in, or who is logging in behind you.
  13. sheepdawg

    So The Rumors Are True...

    I drank it warm.
  14. sheepdawg

    M4A1 HOLO or M4 CCO SD ?

    SD for the win. SD mags FTL.
  15. sheepdawg

    Inland or Coastal Isolation?

    It doesnt matter wher you go. Any hacker WILL find your stuff and ruin your day. Happened to me. Spent a full day getting a car repaired and everything totaly legit, and i log back on the car is gone and the tent is gone. There is NO REASON for anyone to be where we stashed it. Obvious hacker just came in and made a mockary of all the work it took. Pretty pissed at the game today because of this... So to answer your question...NO WHERE IS SAFE. Never has been and never will be. The only "safe" spot was way off the map, but thats A) a dick move and B) illegal.
  16. sheepdawg

    [Qustion]how To make a Map Based On DayZ?

    Wow..you need to be way more specific. Map design usually follows a few generic steps. 1. Planning - Before you open a map editor, plan your map. Where is it, What time is it, what the climate, whats the "story" behind it, what are the landmarks, what is the purpose of the map. Find pictures of places you like, been or would like to go. 2. Rough sketching - Time to draw out in 2d some of the major aspects of the map. Main areas, whole "setting" specifics. Scale it to the in-program units. For example: Map Grid Imperial Metric 1 = 0.75" = 0.01905 2 = 1.5" = 0.04 4 = 3" = 0.08 8 = 6" = 0.15 16 = 1' = 0.3 32 = 2' = 0.6 64 = 4' = 1.2 128 = 8' = 2.4 (160 = 10' = 3.0) 256 = 16' = 4.9 512 = 32' = 9.8 Player Collision Hull 32 = 2' 0" width & length 36 = 2' 3" height crouching 72 = 4' 6" height standing Player Eyelevel 28 = 1' 9" height crouching 64 = 4' 0" height standing Architecture 128 = 8' 0" normal corridor height 64 = 4' 0" normal corridor width 108 = 6' 9" normal door height 48 = 3' 6" normal door width That is straight off the Valve SDK wiki here: https://developer.va...wiki/Dimensions 3. Actual design - this is where you put all that planning into the editor and make a map. Most people think this is the last step. It is not. 4. Testing/Optimizing - Yep. Play the damn level with yourself and bots, or friends, or just let the stupid AI try it out. Depending on what the purpose of the map this is the best way to figure out how well it is made. If its MP, scores should be close when just AI. If one team is blown away its clearly poorly balanced. Better to have real life people play on it because the bots arent going to try to glitch your map. People will jump onto ledges, entities etc just to get out, in or under places they should not be. Also...practice. I have SOOO MANY CS:S maps I made that suck. They are half done or not even that far. I have published ONE map and even that one was pretty shitty and never finished. EDIT: To make "steps" stand out more. Some places to start mapping. SourceSDK - http://source.valvesoftware.com/sourcesdk.php Unreal Development Kit - http://www.unrealengine.com/udk/ Google Sketchup - http://sketchup.google.com/download/
  17. sheepdawg


    allowed thru firewall?
  18. sheepdawg

    What next.....

    -Help survivors -Troll survivors -Get a vehicle -Make a huge camp -Hit every town on the map -Do 'X' 'Y' times(make up your own quests or achievements) Those are a few I could come up with.
  19. sheepdawg

    Really?.... REALLY?!

  20. sheepdawg

    Fucking mobile.

    Your Mobile Site sucks but....doesn't. Please give it some life...and not an iOs theme.
  21. sheepdawg

    Cardio Skill Progression

    I very much agree and heard a rumor that Rocket MAY remove unlimited sprinting. One thing I dont like about this idea is more and more suggestions that sound great like this, lean the game towards and Survival RPG...and I dont want to have to grind in DayZ...unless its for gear and supplies.
  22. sheepdawg

    Hey can you still find the M4a1 Holo?

    Other players, Military locations, downed choppers.
  23. To expand on this a bit more. When you have it on Debug, the Debug menu will come back up however the colored indicators "temp, blood, food, water" break. Might not be all of them but the food and water ones turn green and dont deplete(dont turn red) so you will be running around and notice that you are losing blood randomly, when in fact you are actually in need of food and/or water and that is what is causing your blood to drain.
  24. sheepdawg

    Tent - Bug or looted ?

    Sounds to me like you got looted. I've come across a few tents and as long as they aren't someones glitching tent(obvious duping) I take what I need usually and keep it movin'. For example a buddy and me the other day found some BizonSD mags(and other various weapon magazines) in a tent on top of a hill next to Novy, and just took 3 of the Bizon mags and left. Really one thing I noticed...there is NO SAFE PLACE for tents in this game. Simple as that. Hopefully you didn't lose a bunch of good stuff!