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Everything posted by sheepdawg

  1. sheepdawg

    DayZ must fix its basis!

    all of this is getting addressed in the Standalone version. If you like WarZ better, or it has more features you enjoy then go play WarZ. Or another alternative would be to learn a programming language, make a game, and add these yourself. You are also free to learn a scripting language and mess with a game that allows modding.
  2. sheepdawg

    Installation failed, can't join servers

    DayZCommander - Just use that and you shouldn't have any issues. There is an option in settings for DZC that allows you to run through Steam as well. http://www.dayzcommander.com/
  3. sheepdawg

    Helicoptor Mellee

    so my guess is you stole this from either 4chan or reddit? Also... There = Somewhere, a certain point. They're = People, affected by.
  4. sheepdawg

    Log out/Log in

    Public Hive = Server with persistent stats and inventory across ALL servers that run on the Public Hive Private Hive = Server that hosts its own database results for stats and inventory. These private hives differ from SERVER TO SERVER. Say server X,Y,Z are Public Hive servers. Your weapons, items and stats will remain the same regardless of which server you choose. Now server A,B,C are Private Hive servers. Playing on server A will only save your stats etc on server A. Going to server B will make it appear that you are "Starting over". Same thing if you went to server C. I hope that helps clarify a bit.
  5. sheepdawg

    DayZ not letting Arma2 OA be on correct version?

    Manually update Arma Beta? Then UNCHECK "Run with Steam"(or whatever the command in options it). That might work, but not sure. Also check for a DZC update.
  6. sheepdawg

    Problems before even downloading.

    http://www.dayzcommander.com/ ^^For future reference...no one here gives a shit about this line^^ Everyone spent money to get Arma...you aren't special.
  7. sheepdawg

    I suggest the dev's play War Z...

    If DayZ standalone fails its going to be because people or Rocket killed it...not because it repeats WarZ mistakes. Listen...WarZ is "learning" from DayZ, not the other way around.
  8. sheepdawg

    Ban for what? (57720)

    stand for caught hacking/scripting...by BATTLEYE. Good day sir.
  9. http://www.dayzcommander.com/ Download that. It is an amzing program that makes DayZ super easy to enjoy/enhance. -=IF YOU HAVE THE STEAM VERSION OF ARMA=- -Download and install DayZCommander(DZC). -Click install/update(Up arrow at top of DZC, this is where you can update DZC and your Arma 2 version...not to mention install mods with one click). -Click settings(Gear icon at top of DZC). ***Enable Launch using Steam. ***Enable Replace original Arma2OA files with Beta so Steam works. ^^This way you can enjoy Steam Community while you play. Also DZC has favorite server capabilities and friend lists. It really makes installing, playing, and expanding DayZ amazingly easy.
  10. sheepdawg

    DayZ PC Build?

    someone asking for genuine help, with a post as well thought out as the OP...deserves a non "sarcastic" and or "ironic" response. Clearly OP has no idea(or very little) since they said they have a $500 budget and want SSDs to run Arma 2... Your post however is delightfully helpful. I assure you my funny bone is not broken, but I get really pissed when people who need genuine help get annoyed, laughed at, rejected or ironic responses.
  11. sheepdawg

    New "Bambi"

    dafuq are you on about?
  12. sheepdawg

    DayZ PC Build?

    Troll post was legit until this little gem Cooler for processor - dont need one, just a spray bottle of water You're doing it wrong. Go AMD for CPU, go ATI(ugh....) for GFX card, go HDD(caviar black or 10k+ RPM HDDs) and download windows(or something like that ;)) SSD alone is going to eat up at least 1/4 of your budget.
  13. sheepdawg

    I lost all my stuff WTF?!

    This^ I would recommend DayZCommander as you can "Favorite" servers that way there is no confusion. If you were on a public hive then went to private hive(or vise versa) then this is exactly your problem...if not then I feel bad for you.
  14. I am gonna have to browse tens of thousands of new, repetitive, poorly represented, WarZ lovin', search bar neglectin', is he a hackin', Dmr'n', crashed chopper lootin' forums posts? COME AWN!! B)
  15. sheepdawg

    we own namalsk !

    uses op gun thinks hes god ...dude. if u want me to comment on video quality its 10/10. If you want a comment on quantity its 0/10 No one cares that you got a half click drop on people..with a gun that has zero bullet drop and sniped them. Go get a DMR...and pull off the same shots. srsly. Challenge accepted? Not to be a dick or anything..but it's really not hard to do. Also...upload a video of you looting corpses...even if its 4x speed. You SAY you looted them..but i saw barely any cuts in that video and methinks you just let the bodies rot.
  16. sheepdawg

    Death Of DayZ

    dont let the door break your leg on the way out
  17. sheepdawg

    hey rocket look at this mod to DayZ

    lol..u srs? Thank god. I thought I was going to have to "dig" for links.
  18. sheepdawg

    New player advice: Avoid crowded servers

    Advice to new players. Find community with purpose(want to bandit? find a bandit clan. want to survive? find a survival clan) Play on private hives(public hives are full off poopie pants scripters and lack admin support +75% of the time) Wait for Standalone Buy Standalone Never go to WarZ I am really not sure how I could be more clear. I feel like those are good tips. Oh also..Namalsk is an amazing map...however its popularity has drawn hacker/bandifags to it and the Rail Gun. It's lame. NEVER EVER EVER play a populated, public hive Namalsk server unless you just want to waste time with this mod.
  19. You either have 1.7.2.x and the server is 1.7.3....OR...you have 1.7.3 and the server downgraded to 1.7.2.x
  20. let the mod work out the fucking kinks already. would u rather dayzmod be lame with solutions..or get a SA version that totally fucks you over? PS - Once modding/scripting is locked down in the SA this problem will be at the very best...alleviated.
  21. sheepdawg

    we own namalsk !

    lame. use a real gun and then i'll give you beans. until then...ur just a roof camping nubsauce with a gun that is fake as fuck.
  22. sheepdawg

    Sticky notes, infected animals and more!

    Zombies "do drop things" when they die. Not all of them but a number of them have random items from tin cans to food. Currency? No. I cant form a coherent rebuttal, so i'll just say no. I like the idea of a journal or notes...to an extent. Lack of side chat = tape on da mouth. PS you can still make noise with tape on your mouth. Now tape to tie up players? Now were talking. MOAR TEAMWORK YES!. Please. Don't de-incentivize PvP...I don't want to punish people like that. I do want to give more purpose to working together though.
  23. sheepdawg

    Best map besides chernarus?

    Namalsk. Actually..any map besides Takistan is good, but i recommend that one. DON'T LOOK AT SOME INTERACTIVE MAP! Keep the exploration aspect close to the chest. Makes DayZ more fun IMO.
  24. sheepdawg

    Re-designing the crashed helicopters

    Yea because there's never a car/plane/train/boat/truck/helicopter/jet/bike/etc. crash in the real world due to equipment failure right? Maybe the choppers mechanic was a zed and sabotaged it. lol.
  25. sheepdawg

    Lets Make the Zombies Not Dumb

    Sounds like to me that the only thing you were missing was a friend...