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Everything posted by sheepdawg

  1. sheepdawg

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    You "example" is fucking retarded. There's people who get cancer in their infancy. There's triathlon athletes that drop dead of heart attacks. I just wanted to point out that your closing argument is idiotic at best, and from that i will forever take nothing you say seriously. You're the type that condemns Marijuana because the lame stream media said so..../rant OT...cant wait for the update, and when there's increasingly sexy outfits in the game like Rocket had on. What a slut to entice us with such lovelies. I will say this though..."Surviving" is completely useless in this game. There needs to be more incentive to assist your fellow man, and to stay alive. Without that tis is just PvP with zombies and idiots who will ruin this mod and the game completely.
  2. sheepdawg

    How I've died to sloppy programming

    Its not programming, its scripting. Rocket didnt develop ArmA, hes manipulating it with scripts. Also, bandages do not take the same space as morphine, so i feel like thats an outright lie. You just mad. Listen its amod. Everything yo u get this life is replaceable. I've died crawling next to trucks, fences, in and out of house, cus of snipers, cus of glitchers, cus of zombies, cus of blood loss(I actually ran from Cherno to Baltoa(?) airfield where a buddy was after stumbling across a box of medi supplies. I had 200 health and passed out at least 15 times). Man up and just play better, or if you are frustrated go play something else. No sense in getting worked up and burnt out on a Alpha stage MOD. If you get so pissed off when the MOD is Beta or Final release..you wont be able to enjoy it.
  3. sheepdawg

    Way points ?

    I believe i read somewhere placing them down while in "Direct Communication" makes them invisible to everyone but you. I remember when Sidechat was enabled i put one down and everyone could see it.
  4. sheepdawg

    How Does Zombie Spawning Work?

    Unless u have a backpack full of ammo i doubt this is even possible. However i do believe zombies constantly spawn if someone is nearby. Obviously DayZ has many scripts running it but at its very basic for i assume that all towns and loot areas have triggers that detect if a player is nearby. If they are i assume a script allows zombies to spawn at a certain rate. I assume there may be a cap like x playes = y zeds but not greater than MAXzeds. This is of course pretty much speculation on my part but i dont think its possible, nor smart, to try to clear a town of zombies.
  5. 1) Add nonsteam game. 2)Select the beta patch here : C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead "Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch" 3)Go to that same location and right-click the file "Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch" and go to properties. 4)You will see 2 fields. TARGET: and START IN: 5) Right click the shortcut u made in your Steam Library(i believe its called armaao, then click properties. 6)Copy TARGET and START IN from the actual file and put them in the corresponding fields in your STEAM LIBRARY shortcut.. 7)Launch and enjoy. You will need to repeat this process every time you get a new Beta update.
  6. sheepdawg

    Did I have a heart attack?

    its happened to me 2 times. Both times i was standing still so i assume there was a sniper just waiting. Once was in a field in the north, and once was in Cherno. Never heard the shot, but I assume it was a sniper.
  7. sheepdawg

    saving loot

    Tents are only persistent on the server you set them up on. If you set up a tent on US1 and then go to US 27 your tent wont be there. But if you go back to US1 it will be. Also when switching to a different server there will be different loot where you are(if there is any yet)
  8. sheepdawg

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    After playing for four hours i have come to the comclusion this update/hotfix hit the mark and raised the bar. Hatchet is fun, loot is good, behavior is spot on(aside from a few snafus). Good stuff.
  9. sheepdawg

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    1) Install the beta files into your Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\@Dayz\addons folder (create if you haven't already) 2) In your arma2 operation arrowhead folder (as above) right click on the Launch Arma2 OA Beta Patch shortcut. Leave that up and ready' date=' you will need it in next steps 3) In steam, bottom left button: + Add a game (non steam app) 4) Copy the text from the beta patch shortcut's target and start in fields (both fields copied over accordingly) 5) Restart Steam 6) Run the new app 7) Go into Expansions, make sure you've enabled them, most importantly @Dayz 8) Restart the new app, you're ready to play, wth steam overlay [/quote'] Thank you. This worked.
  10. sheepdawg

    Hordes of zombies aggro-ing out of nowhere?

    With all the hotfixes coming out at a high rate of speed you may want to start including Beta build and DayZ version. i.e "Blah blah zombies" beta xxxxx and dayz v.1.7.1 Note that as i post this DayZ v1.7.1.5 is out also Arma Beta build 93965
  11. sheepdawg

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    After being sniped by some asshole in Cherno i passed out but did not die. Baddie cant shoot but still got me. Another survivor saw zed chasing me and killed him for me. Then he got sniped coming to revive me from the sniper shot but i couldnt warn him. Apparently the sniper got a better shot on him. Getting up with 2k blood i bandaged and ran barely seeing anything. I came to a hospital where i found blood bags etc etc. Really wish someone would transfuse me but 45/50 people on the server are either hostile or dont care. My reason for posting this is that while in this extremely low blood state i was literally running in front of zombies, like right up next to them and passing by, brushing their shoulders and they didnt aggro. I assume not intentional.
  12. sheepdawg

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    For some reason now you need a username to DL the beta? WTH? Sad face. I used my A2 forum name but ow i cant get the file.
  13. sheepdawg

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Ill be seeding this link as the main one doesnt work http://the-tour.org/downloads/games/dayz/latest.torrent
  14. sheepdawg

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    Since noobs dont get weapons i just want to suggest making the flashlight look beefier, preferably like a maglight http://www.simarud.no/images/Mag-lite/Cell%20D%20web.jpg Then allow it to be used as a weapon...maybe even with a chance u can break the lightbulb LOL but seriously...6 D batteries....imagine getting hit with that thing?!?
  15. Some things i noticed today.. 1) People with weapons etc hunting down new spawners on the beach. Really sucks being defenseless but makes sense so its like hmmm... 2) Noise and Sight are WAYY too touchy. I dont want the zombies to be bumbling idiots like before but now they have superman senses(ok maybe thats a bit too exaggerated) but still, personally i feel it needs some new tweaking. 3) Gender select menu pops up EVERY TIME i spawn for some reason. Maybe bug, maybe not. 4) Zombies dying inside buildings. Perhaps it was because there was 12 zombies chasing me but they all entered the house i was in(black/drk brown house) and then 4 of them died. I assume its because of the hallway they were in, all bunched up. Just wanted to report that. Now some ideas that may be great or shit...everyone else can decide. 1) Make the flashlight a melee weapon. I know its somewhat absurd but have you ever held a maglight(yes i know the flashlight in this game isnt one but im sure it could be). I get the need for stealth in a Z apoc but leaving noobs defenseless is just...well...a little too mean? People are out for blood in this MOD and the new ones should at least have a minuscule fighting chance. 2) Obviously just tweak the values. IMO zombies are attracted to SCENT and SOUND. Perhaps a new mechanic? I dont know...i jsut think thios may be tweaked a bit too high. #) and most important...the hostile survivors. I get people are going to troll for fun and kill for no reason but something NEEDS to be done. The server max out at 50 people. There's no reason 45 should be hostile and not be hold somewhat accountable. I understand that the heartbeat feature was supposed to...i dunno..help? I just think its somewhat counter productive to have to place my crosshairs on someone to see if they are friendly or not. The bandit skin auto change was bad, but good in a way. At least there was no question. Personally i dont want to play this game like its the next FPS, thats what i go to ArmA 2 for(domination and insurgency). It's really fun to meet people and survive. In an apocalypse i have to assume peopel would work together a little more than this. Hopefully if the zombies are going to stay the way they are it will encourage people to work together but perhaps there needs to be better incentive to band together. Perhaps an adjusted spawn rate on items if in a group. Perhaps a better lobby to assign actual groups. That way if a "group" is near loot thers a 5% better chance or something? I dont know. Hopefully my rambling makes sense or at least inspires something, although im sure it will jsut get lost in the suckers going "Game is bad pl0x, CoD noob" Thank you, and goodnight!
  16. sheepdawg

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    there is a popup that calls them a fucking idiot and to update A2 before Rocket squeezes their balls for maximum tear collection
  17. sheepdawg

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    as far as im concerned...melee is worthless in this game. zombies are way oo fast and their attack radius is too large. That said, thank god there's other silent kill measures other than the crossbow. Personally ill stick to the guns i have until melee is better implemented/balanced. All i really want to do right now is help some noobs. PnP(not PvP) interactions make this game lovely, and i want some friends. MP5 ftw after dropping my CZ and M16 so hopefully no one ruthless takes me out.
  18. sheepdawg

    I REALLY wanna play

    Im just guessing but it seems like you Checked for updates. Try forcing updates. I personally feel its because theres a hotfix inbound and everyone is probably spamming the update server.
  19. Your thread is titled "Why is there 10 ways to install, and none of them work..." So you are bitching about 2 things....1) the abundant amount of ways there are to install the MOD and 2) that they dont work. The inflection i perceived of the title however is that your main gripe is they do not work. But they do, and numerous people explained how to make them work. I just think you're a bitter prick who doesnt like the game and would rather spend time on the forums. No worries, i havent played BF3 in forever but i check and rage the forums daily. Brothers in arms you could say...
  20. I've heard it was but if thats true or troll i just dont know. I know a hotfix is on the way, perhaps main server is just being hammered with requests atm. It definately doesnt sound like your game is out of date nor the mod, it sounds like extreme pressure on the server. My advice is wait it out or try another server.
  21. sheepdawg

    Newbie looking for kind help

    Heres a thread i made. Hope it helps if the others dont. http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=15023