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Posts posted by Su1c1deR

  1. Wait a sec. So you got banned for a false-positive yet you're not going to try and get unbanned? hmmmmm that's suss.... Dug your own hole there mate. You did not just warn, you specifically said that YOU got banned, THEN you warned others.....

    I'm curious as to what your excuse will be now....careful not to get lost in your lies and contradict yourself :)

    sorry but i need to say you are retard mybe my typing isnt so good but i at least read bether then you and i know when dayzmod.com dont have nothign to do with battleye :)

  2. I have no idea what the hell you are on about. I don't come from either of those countries. I have travelled the world and speak 2 languages fluently. Also I am the furthest thing from racist and nothing in my text implied that. You're the one saying "stfu" instead of using intelligence. Calling me racist and then saying "you probobly only know 2 collors "BLACK" and "WHITE" " is actually more xenophobic than anything I would ever say. Hypocrit!

    Again, you're crying to the wrong person. Don't hack=don't get banned.

    IF there were false-positives, and that's a big IF (in the case of overlays at least) then there would be MASSIVE outrage and revolt on these forums. Do you ever check out a little site called YOUTUBE? See how many people are using FRAPS and Bandicam with no issues whatsoever? You know why? THat's right, it's because you DON'T get banned for using FRAPS

    Stop tryin to come across like some hard done by mistreated refugee, when you are a hacker. No one buys it.

    If you are the one false positive that gets UNBANNED then I will sincerely offer my most humble apologies. The fact is though, this is the wrong place to ask for bans to be removed, so contact battleye and when you get unbanned come back and show us the proof.

    Goodaye citizen of the earth

    omg man did i asked for unban? there was guy who started this topic just to be sure if he can use ts3 and i gived him advice your only one who started to tallk about somethign else

  3. No can do so that's a Negative. Cheers. Also, learn to spell? Your "fake" warning people is only so you can justify being a nice guy, to then say you didn't hack and got banned for no reason. You hackers really need to get smarter :)

    You didn't just warn people, or did you already forget what you wrote? Here you go, since it seems hard for you to scroll up. "today i went in with both of them turned on and when i tryed to join server it says global ban"

    So you got banned for hacking. Welcome to the world of being a lamearse hacker ;)

    trying to be smartass? you should be thankfull when there is peoples like me who arent from england/usa and still trying to make conversations with other country peoples you probobly only know 2 collors "BLACK" and "WHITE" there is a lot of peoples who recived ban using on of thos programs and you srsly think machines isnt making mistaks? ps you shoudl read what jwiechers told : The problem is the arms race between anti-cheating systems and cheating systems. It is trivial to inject a DLL, so many simple hack tools use it and the anti-cheat engines have to use some heuristics to detect if something is benign (i. e. TeamSpeak overlay) or not (i. e. a cheat). They do this quite well, most of the time, but there may be false-positives.

    so please just stop trying to be some tryhard nerd who know eyerhing

  4. The server owner/admin could have banned you thinking you had a hacked weapon, but i'm pretty sure I read somewhere that the M4a1 HWS GL SD Camo is a weapon that was added in at somepoint, but I could be wrong. If you don't want to get banned from anymore servers I would suggest dropping that gun if you haven't already done it.

    my friend yesterday found this same gun so thats not hacked weapon :P

  5. It is too easy to gear up to the max in DayZ.

    Not speaking on behalf of anyone else but myself,I think the following changes should occur.

    Make zombies tougher so you need lots of ammo to deal with them.

    Decrease loot by at least half so it takes longer than 1 hours play to get FULLY equipped.

    Make starvation a real threat so just finding a meal is the priority over finding a helicopter.

    There should be plenty of crappy cars around BUT a shortage of fuel.

    Remove military grade sniper rifles to do away with gutless 'sniper bandits'.

    Introduce batteries so GPS, NVG, torches etc have a life span.

    These are just a few ideas that I think can help drive the survival aspect of the game and prevent boredom which leads to death match.

    how that can be easy to gear up @ dayz? if you play in 10player server mybe but try to get to airfield or some crash site on 40player server starting from beach gl bro + i know there is a lot of player who are just going in 1-2 player server @ looting airfield just to get gear and if you are one of them then you just need to learn to play fear

  6. Hi guys i would like to suggest to add (i dont know how thats called in english so ill just show picture of that) _origin_Waffen-SS-brunojums-1.jpg

    that thing on left side, so with motorcycle could ride 3 peoples

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