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About Gysisco

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Gysisco

    Look for a Group

    Nvm, I found it. I'll send you a friend request.
  2. Gysisco

    Look for a Group

    Alright I'll look you up. My ID is snipingpeppermint. Is yours spelt exactly like that? Caps and everything?
  3. Gysisco

    Look for a Group

    This is a post I made about the same topic. Is this the style of play you're thinking of? : Hey all you people, I'm searching for anyone who want's to team up and take of the island of Cheranus together. My method of play thus far has been sort of the Lawful Neutral approach. I don't kill other survivors unless they take the first shot, but after that, I don't pull my punches. It may change as time goes on however. My one pet peeve though is intentionally hunting survivors. I don't roll with bandits. So if that's how you plan on playing the game, find another group to join. If you are interesting in joining me on my valiant quest of zombie killing, lemme know. You don't have to have a mic, but it is preferred. Jolly good scavening! -Gysisco ;)
  4. Gysisco

    Encounters With Other Players?

    I encounter them every once in a while while in small towns, but like the plague while in the two main cities.
  5. Gysisco

    Only one weapon for you!

    Good ol' fashioned Winchester.
  6. Gysisco

    Am I the only one?

    Nah man, I know that feel. This one time, I had a Winchester, and AKM, and a revolver all on my person, and I didn't want to risk running around and losing all my stuff. So then I waited a few days for my friend buy ARMA 2 so we could play together, but he hasn't yet to this day. I ended up growing tired of waiting, going to Cherno, only to end up getting shot up by some bandits. Moral of the story: There's no point in grabbing good loot and not playing for a long period of time if the entire point of playing IS to grab good loot and survive the wasteland. Oh, and bandits are jerks.
  7. Hey all you people, I'm searching for anyone who want's to team up and take of the island of Cheranus together. My method of play thus far has been sort of the Lawful Neutral approach. I don't kill other survivors unless they take the first shot, but after that, I don't pull my punches. It may change as time goes on however. My one pet peeve though is intentionally hunting survivors. I don't roll with bandits. So if that's how you plan on playing the game, find another group to join. If you are interesting in joining me on my valiant quest of zombie killing, lemme know. You don't have to have a mic, but it is preferred. Jolly good scavening! -Gysisco ;)