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About mccars500

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. This server is about a month old with some regular players that are on everyday but we want to build our community. We have about 50 cars and 5 helis (all you need on Namalsk) Self bloodbag option (penalty of only giving you 4k blood and 30 seconds to do so with 10% chance of infection) Custome gear includes stuff that you would actually have around the house eg, Knife, Matches, map (also get a mp5) Facebook groupe to have your say on what you would like changed in the server and also challanges to win gear. Custom Server Side anti hack running 24/7. Server name: DayZNamalsk UK 69 (0.741/103419) Custom Gear Extra Helis Extra Cars Anti Hack Server IP: Look forward to seeing some new people.
  2. mccars500

    Does anyone have a Ghillie Suit up for trade?

    I got a spare just add me on skype Mccars500
  3. mccars500

    WTH tents just sigh.

    Are you using the newest patch?
  4. Hey i'm Mccars500 looking for a couple of people to team up with. I have been playng solo for a few weeks and still love the game just getting on my tits when i come across groups of people and i stand no chance. With new people i would like to just go looting and most of all servive. skype: mccars500