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Bandit (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Bandit (DayZ)

  1. Bandit (DayZ)

    Happy Birthday tomorrow, Rocket!!

    kissing his ass wont get you guys the super special survivor skin you know! Maybe he'll take you to the island tho :)
  2. Bandit (DayZ)

    Sitting near the lake.

    Hey cool pic man
  3. Bandit (DayZ)

    Sitting near the lake.

    Thats the darkest picture ive ever seen :P
  4. Bandit (DayZ)

    Reverse Real Time servers

    We will possibly look into running 2 of the hardcore first2fight servers reverse time. I think its linked to the server itself tho, but we shall see. Cheers!
  5. Youll never see tpv on our servers, but youre more than welcome to join.
  6. Bandit (DayZ)

    Overgrowth engine for DayZ?

    Its not even remotely complete. I seriously doubt it can do what armas engine does also. Theres a reason why no one else has a game like this you know.
  7. Bandit (DayZ)

    Simple solution to disconnect exploit

    just keep making the chicken shits bleed out, thats usually only when they leave anyway. The rest of the "fixes" are pretty tough to get working in arma. We had a little punk run up on us last night, shoot one of our guys and when i chased his little bitch ass down after shooting him a few times he had d/c'd. This is a regular occurance on those lucky enough to even shoot at us.
  8. Bandit (DayZ)

    FPV-only servers ?

    Ive got 2 new american servers coming up today which will be running on expert mode.
  9. Bandit (DayZ)

    Simple solution to disconnect exploit

    I didnt see a thread about this so here goes with a quick solution. If youre bleeding when you disconnect you keep bleeding offline. Youre also stuck looking at an hour glass either way when you rejoin. If anyone has better lets hear it. Edit. Also our 2 new US expert servers are coming up today. You will be banned if caught disconnecting during pvp.
  10. Id like to pick my own skin also. either thru some in game menu when you make a new character, or thru the lobby at worst.
  11. Bandit (DayZ)

    Bicycles. Please.

    this would be nice
  12. Bandit (DayZ)

    DayZ Update 1.5.4

    hellskitchen (sangin province) is the map we were thinking of using, it has a river running right thru the middle of it also. link: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=14455&highlight=HELLSKITCHEN
  13. Bandit (DayZ)

    IF this was an actual game...

    one time purchase like arma, then we can rip it apart and mod the shit out of it.
  14. Bandit (DayZ)

    DayZ Memes

  15. Bandit (DayZ)

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    We've had guys with over 30k negative morality so I dont think so
  16. Bandit (DayZ)

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    I have a good feeling my survive time is much higher, and my murders are 1, bandit kills 1
  17. Bandit (DayZ)

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    the door
  18. Bandit (DayZ)

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    That sounds like an excellent way to kill this mod in under a week.
  19. Bandit (DayZ)

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    Its pretty simple but the butt hurt carebear wanna-bes can't seem to get it. STAY AWAY FROM THE BIG CITIES, GROUP UP, BE VERY AWARE OF OTHERS YOURE NOT IN CONTACT WITH. It's a huge friggin map and theres no reason to stay near the most dangerous areas except to try and get some blood bags, that in itself is its own little mission.
  20. Bandit (DayZ)

    Should we scrap bandit models?

    I cannot vote for some reason but my vote is yes. Work on the important things, keep the headaches for later.
  21. Bandit (DayZ)

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    The groups option is coming soon afik, the wars thing is another story. There are no rules in war, and you can plan on snipers killing you while you eat your lunch
  22. Bandit (DayZ)

    Affluence = everything is going to shit

    If its the database issues, soon the servers will be able to run their own DB eliminating some of the problems with that. I'm only assuming but the main servers will hopefully stay active with a main DB, and for now while in alpha you'll have to be patient. Good things come to those who wait, and the updates come daily.