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redman (DayZ)

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Everything posted by redman (DayZ)

  1. redman (DayZ)

    Tired of whine posts, well here is another

    I see it as a matter of pride in ones craft. Rocket released a patch that broke the game. What do us professionals do when we F-ck up at work? We get it fixed ASAP. I realize this is an alpha. But when a feature such as humanity is doing stuff like deleting everyones back pack and going up and down randomly... maybe its not team to release that for public testing? Im sure a code jockey could test that in 10 minutes on his own. "Oh jeez rocket I played for 10 minutes and noticed my humanity went up to 2500 then down to -500 and it deleted my backpack" But no. I get the feeling the DayZ team spent a week or two partying it up and then slammed together in one night and released it without even a simple boot-up test. 1 million players arent needed to find OBVIOUS bugs. Lots of players are used for testing gameplay dynamics. Well we cant test Rockets gameplay ideas we keep having to log out to fix graphic glitches which have been around for SEVERAL patches now. In the next patch I'm looking forward to losing a built up character to glitched out dogs that will chase me into a graphics glitch where ill break my legs on a door, and then have my backpack eat my morphine. Or I'll change skins randomly and my friend won't recognize me and blast me. I'm not asking for POLISH Im asking for some basic god damn playability. Cause this game is damn fun.
  2. redman (DayZ)

    Pipe bombs? No vehicles? Camps gone? WTF!?

    One word. Alpha. Thats why.
  3. redman (DayZ)

    1,133,259 minus 1

    Notice how theres "I'm quitting" posts like everday... maybe thats cause something ain't right? Woops I mean LOLZ R3TARD ALPHA Y DONT U LEAVE THN?!!1
  4. Well back to the OP post... As much as I enjoy .4 (and not the broken POS patch 0.5) yeah... I doubt this mod will be around very long in its current form/with the same dev team. Who will want to play a broken "alpha" on Arma II when Arma III is out? Oh wait I mean... the game runs flawlessly and any problems are ALPHA! Like thats an excuse to not fix certain game breaking shit... Obviously Rocket doesnt give two shits about a free crappy mod he made in his spare time now that he can actually make something resembling a functioning game and make money and a reputation with it. I wouldnt. But I'd atleast fix the artifacting and NOT have players spawn on the coast after half an hour of loading before I fuck off to make the real game. Just a matter of pride and being a nice guy.
  5. redman (DayZ)

    ATVs and Pobeda Dam

    Rocket and co dont have to fix a damn thing. Why? Alpha. Alpha all the way until its released as a complete game. And even then.... Alpha. Even once its not an alpha and you find a bug don't whine about it. Why? Alpha. Shut up the ATVs are working properly no need to move them 50ft off the dam. Idiot. Alpha. Besides, we got DOGS next patch. Alpha. Thats far more important than vehicles that work, or a game that ACTUALLY loads in and works properly so we can test it. Alpha.
  6. redman (DayZ)

    Vehicles Spawning with Items

    Woah wait... you mean vehicles actually SPAWN places? I thought they only spawned in admin camps :o
  7. redman (DayZ)

    Tent Work Around

    Yeah is a broken pile of stinky rat turds with a pretty pink bow tied around it. Stay on, .5 is a fucking joke. Dont listen to the Rocket fanboys.
  8. I'd pay 30-50 dollars for an alpha that works half ass and isnt broken all the god damn time cause of shitty patches and a shitty engine. Erhm.
  9. redman (DayZ)

    Why this mod is failing

    Yeah man this is possibly the WORST alpha and patch release management I have ever seen in a game. "The patch will fix the artifacting and load times but its not official so we'll test it over the weekend!" says Rocket What happens? Patch gets put up ON THE MAIN PAGE ON THE WEBSITE AS CURRENT RELEASE, then the patch breaks the game even more by screwing up load times, making the artifacting worse, and adds in ANOTHER game breaker: Spawning on the coast. But zombies run a little smoother! High Five! I've played PLENTY of alpha build games and mods... the objective of the alpha being feature developement. Besides the (re)implementation of humanity, I'm not seeing much coming as far as new developement. And I'm sure as shit not seeing any issue resolution despite having almost 1 million fucking testers for the last couple of patches saying FIX THE GOD DAMN ARTIFACTING. Nope we get smooth(er) zombies and maybe dogs (wtf?) in a few weeks. Mean while we get to "test" this broken mod for however long it takes rocket and co to develope fucking DOGS in DayZ and probably not fix any game breaking issues. I wonder what new game breakers the dogs will introduce. It sure will be nice running from the coast every time I manage to get past the fricking loading screen only to get eaten by a pack of glitched out dogs cause artifacts are blinding me.
  10. Testing. Totally. But on the other hand I could squat on the floor and crap out a better patch then this and tell all of you to "test it" for me.
  11. redman (DayZ)

    Just For The Record....

    All the people who server hop because of connection issues or hackers are CHEATING! They should be banned from all servers. Yup once you start on a server Thats. It. Even if your computer crashes or if there is a hacker killing everyone on the server you MUST stay or youre a dirty SERVER HOPPER! RARRRGHH!! /end sarcasm How about instead of spawning players at the coast and breaking the game, we put in a cool down after 2-3 server changes? Or how about you can't pick up anything for 5 minutes after server change? Or like 20 other things that make more sense than spawning everybody who happens to get some lag back on the coast? If this is actually a "feature"... well maybe those of you who say "fuck off if you don't like it" are right. Because I'd rather not waste my video game time on something thats not fun. Alpha or not. I can deal with bugs and everything but *damn* Rocket atleast make a quick run through the patch first to check. I know half of you will say "THE PATCH IS NOT OFFICIAL YET!" Then why is ON THE MAIN WEBSITE AS THE OFFICIAL CURRENT VERSION?!! Woops... sorry I mean rocket ill suck yo d*ck lulz! Sorry I just had to vent. Saturday night nothing to do and I accidentally updated from :/
  12. redman (DayZ)

    Best Patch EVER

    Soo the objectives of this patch were to: 1) Fix the artifacting - FAILED! Worse than ever now :( 2) Improve load times - FAILED! Lots of people are now stuck at a loading screen forever :( Including me now. Oh well I suppose I shouldnt play video games on a saturday night! 3) And last but not least the extra special wonderful treat of relogging onto the coast every time. Or maybe this was a server hopping fix? Either which way SUPER FAIL! I find it oddly entertaining how fail train this patch BETA is... lol we need to patch the patch beta until the real patch comes out for the alpha! Patience.
  13. redman (DayZ) Still Artifacting

    Yup balota was terrible too I had to log...
  14. Yeah I got the artifacting in balota air field and now I sit at the loading screen -_-
  15. redman (DayZ)

    Artifacts. Still here.

    Bump. This is brutal I cannot go near any military stuff AT ALL now. It's worse. Wtf guys?
  16. redman (DayZ)

    Advanced clan bases?

    Ok well I was thinking today how it's kinda hard to find a group sometimes. This isn't like WoW where you click a button and instantly are thrown into a party with random people! So then I was thinking... whats the DayZ version of this? I think its an admin selected zombie-free town, where clans can set up a REAL base of operations, and set up "safe" zones and trade areas for other players. The meta-gaming and self-created content is crazy! Think of it... defending the town from bandit raids, ambushing survivors as they leave with new gear, and even players renting out their "safe zone" tents to other players for cooked meats and pepsi! And last but not least... you could meet other players in the town, talk to them first (wow!) and then go on adventures with them! Peace
  17. redman (DayZ)

    [Problem] No Vehicles and tents?

    I spent ALL day looking for a vehicle in the western part of the map and could not find one! Raided about 5 towns and saw 0 tents in any of the stores/churches. Did find a DMR and 3 mags though...
  18. DayZ Name :RedmanRon How long have you played DayZ :about 2 weeks Time Zone:Mountain Time Will you stay loyal to our group?: Yes What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Versatile... have played Arma for 3 years. Have M249 currently,
  19. redman (DayZ)

    DayZ Tactical Gameplay Unit Steam Group

    I'd like to join! I have an M249 with 1 box and 4 30rnd of 5.56, and a PDW.