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Everything posted by liamlight

  1. Not looking for a new player without any knowledge, I've been playing around 3months have great map and game knowledge. I have my own teamspeak which usally is full of my mates but don't play DayZ anymore which you're welcome to come on, microponeis a must! Post here and ill pm you the TS
  2. liamlight

    Global Ban on 2 accounts: DayZ

    Hope you need to go to the hasstle of reformatting for a new HWID
  3. My thread on bistudio which may help you have a better idea: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?137598-GTX-560-Ti-bottleneck-Extremely-low-FPS okay guys so when i play DayZ i get really bad fps though having a higher end PC. These are my specs: + GTX 560 Ti. I was wondering if anyone could help me fix my problem? These are my config settings. Arma2oa.cfg My playername cfg
  4. It's strange, in the multiplayer startup menu when you enter a server and choose your role it gets 50% GPU usage, soon as i load in ins under 15%?
  5. AMD phenom x6 GTX 560 ti Win 7 12G ram SSD
  6. I've also tried using -winxp with no effect.
  7. I think my FPS has increased a little since i changed my config will update for def after a good few hours later.
  8. Ill try it next time i play later. It's weird as my friend who has alot worse PC than me has a nvidia card and amd processor and runs better! I even have arma 2 on an SSD. He has like a gtx 460 cant remember processor.
  9. Thanks for the fast reply. My drivers are on 301.42 as i heared it was better than the latest, after testing both i had no difference. I also updated my mobo drivers.
  10. liamlight

    DK3 admin abuse

    Confirmed he banned me no reason remove his server omg admin abuse ban ~~ ~~