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Everything posted by Slavinkje

  1. Shittiest part is getting constant reports against you even though you rob people according to server rules. Using a 'macro' (having a written message ready to initiate a robbery via ctrl-c ctrl-v) to make sure intentions are clear, to avoid people 'not hearing' you through VoN and to make sure you can quickly engage if a vehicle is about to pop up when you have an ambush ready is somehow regarded as 'not roleplaying'. Players not being able to handle getting robbed fully in accordance with the rules and reporting them as KoS. Really breaks immersion when you've just succesfully robbed a person/group and have to constantly check the forums for a KoS-report against you, then having to upload video's whilst you're playing. All in all a good server, just some kiddies who can't stand losing their gear trying to make you're life as a bandit-clan horrible.
  2. Slavinkje

    Blood icon --> blood/health bar

    As a colorblind person of the same deficiency-type (red/green) I can attest to this. I don't think we need to have an option of health bars though, this might be slightly too 'gamey'. A different method can be found like using different colors but I'll leave that to the developer(s).
  3. Slavinkje

    Day Z Double Kill

    One of those guys had a G36 SD?
  4. Slavinkje

    Dynamic zombies spawn rates

    ^ This! Do it!
  5. Hey I'd like to join your group. I'm from the Netherlands and reasonably experienced in dayz. Looking for a group, playing solo gets boring. My ingame name is the same as my forum name..
  6. Slavinkje


    except that will never happen
  7. Slavinkje

    Crafting: Your Ideas & Mine.

    Some options for crafting Grenade + tin can + wire = grenade trap wire + tin cans = warning perimeter wire + scrap metal/wood = slingshot (for hunting small game) watch + explosives = timed bomb radio + explosives = radio controlled bomb grenade + pipe + ball bearings = pipe bomb grenade + jerry can + watch/radio = fuel bomb What I could think off on the top of my head. More coming probably.
  8. Slavinkje


    Exactly, if you're tired of walking find any of the vehicles that are already in Chernarus and fix them up.
  9. Slavinkje


    no... no... aaaaaand no. Trains are retarded EDIT: How come any semi-interesting idea/suggestion on these forums gets instantly shot down but the idea of a train rolling through a post apocalyptic world passes by unnoticed?
  10. Slavinkje

    [VIDEO] Double kill with grenades.

    No kills No zombie kills Ghillie suit High end sniper rifle Tons of frags Duping much?
  11. Slavinkje

    DayZ Stories

    Ok so today I was playing with two other friends. We'd been scavenging some barns and supermarkets for loot so we could get equipped. After a while we kind of got careless and ran into Pushtoshka getting lots of aggro. About 20 zombies swarm us and overrun us. One of my friends died in the battle and I broke my legs. The other friend was still OK but since none of us had any morphine on us we couldn't fix my messed up legs. So I crawl through the town while my mate is looted the local supermarket on his own. I crawled and crawled in the hopes of finding some morphine which, of course, I didn't. My last hope was the church so I crawled inside. Damnit, no morphine to be found. At this point I'm already telling my mate that died to find me some morphine at a hospital when he's respawned. It would be a long haul for him but it was my only chance. Suddenly me and my mate heard gunfire down the road. I told my buddy to get to me as quickly as possible. He tried to get to me but gets charged by 4 other players that have aggro from a whole bunch of runners. I lie down in the middle of the church and keep the entrance in my ironsights (I have an AK74). At this point the other players have taken notice of us and I actually see them running by the entrance with a train of zombies behind them. My buddy is panicking at this point and so am I so he bumrushes into the church, proceeds to scare the shit out of me and in the panic I friendly fuck him. "DAMN! I really need his backup" - I think. Of course the other players are only too aware that I'm inside the church and although they get aggro constantly they manage to fight zed off. They speak to me on local saying: "Hey guy in the church, we're gonna getcha. Judgement is coming for you!" One of the suckers proceeded to walk past the entrance and I fragged him with a nice three round burst to the face. The other started cussing some more over local and told me I'd die soon which, to be honest, was a real possibility at this point. To distract my they throw a smoke grenade inside. This is my chance, while they think they're distracting me they actually give me the cover needed to grab a frag grenade out of my backpack. I lob the grenade just outside the door opening. BOOM! Two kills. Now the score is even and although I have broken legs, I also have a nice and clear shot through the opening of the door. I wait a couple of minutes, all the while my heart pounding like mad. I can hear zombies getting aggro outside and I just lie in wait. Finally the last player's patience is up and he tries to roll out and shoot me. *tap*tap*tap* - Three to the face and he's dead. After lying in wait a bit more I decide to slowly check the closest body. Thank god! Morphine! I fix myself up so I can stand and I loot the bodies (at this point I was down to my last AK mag). I find a nice M4, a bigger ALICE pack and lots and lots of food. Thanks chums, judgement hath cometh indeed, but not for me!
  12. Slavinkje

    I have matches, I have a jerry can.

    Stop drop and roll biatch
  13. Slavinkje


    Ok so DayZ is now officially unplayable... any server I join just instantly, or after a minute or two, reverts to thunderdome like scenarios...
  14. Slavinkje


    It's not fun actually... not at all
  15. Slavinkje


    FFS all my gear gone... I can accept dieing from PVP battles but this is retarded. Does this happen often?
  16. Slavinkje


    I don't get it... how is this possible? Is this just some jerk-off admin that thinks this is funny or is this a hacker that gets control over the server... and if the latter, HOW? How in gods name is this possible? I just landed in this kind of battle royale and before I could even figure out what was going on and dc i get fucking assraped by three guys. Is this supposed to be funny?
  17. Slavinkje


    Wtf, this just happened to me and I died... so now I get to start all over again? Seriously.... what.... the... FUCK!
  18. Ok so, why is this game called a 'zombie survival mod' anyway? I think any regular player knows that zombies are hardly a threat. I think the only people actually scared or worried about them are the new players while they're actually not much of a threat. I mean, where are the zombies roaming the land? The only place you can ever run into any is in a town and even then they're easy to get around. The only real threat here are other players... We should have bunches of zombies just roaming along. Basically right now you're safe (except from other players) anywhere. You can run around forrests and fields and not have to worry about a thing (again, except for other players). Wouldn't it be great if that tent you set up in a forrest wouldn't be you're little safe haven because random zombies could just be stalking throught the woods? I think this would actually help in getting people to work together more and have it not be the free for all that it is right now. There is no point in calling this mod a zombie survival mod because you're never surviving from the zombies, just other players. Might as well call it 'The fight for resources' or something. Just my two cents.
  19. Slavinkje

    Why call this zombie survival?

    Bears and wolves would actually be a great idea. Makes the world feel more alive too..
  20. Slavinkje

    I have matches, I have a jerry can.

    That would be insane. Torching buildings in the middle of the night to distract zombies while going in for some loot on the other end of town.
  21. Slavinkje

    Why call this zombie survival?

    And I guess you are the one to decide for everyone what's a waste of time and what isn't right? Can we get back on topic?
  22. Slavinkje

    Why call this zombie survival?

    I'm not saying I want PVP to be 'changed' (ie. coding, bandit skins, humanity, whatever element) but I do think by putting some more emphasis on the zombie apocolypse it will make this game more interesting.
  23. Slavinkje

    Why call this zombie survival?

    :P there you go I was wondering what that button was for haha!
  24. Slavinkje

    Why call this zombie survival?

    Now we're getting the creative juices flowing, this is what I'm talking about people!
  25. Slavinkje

    Why call this zombie survival?

    Absolutely true and there is no reason why this should change with my suggestion implemented. I'm not saying this should happen now or at all just because I think so. I'm just trying to bring in some suggestions. Saying that is an alpha and I should 'deal with it' is not a valid argument. Like I said, it MIGHT make people think twice before putting two in the chest and one in the head on every encounter with another player. In fact it might make it all the more tense just because the guy you just helped or helped you may still decide to take your loot afterwards.