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About Retchet187

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Location
    South Carolina
  1. Retchet187

    huge fps lagg after playing the game fine

    Some servers simply "play" better than others (even with a very low ping some servers will have very noticeable low FPS). May be your install is fine and the servers you are joining are not performing well.
  2. Retchet187

    HUGE Graphical glitch!

    That powersupply maybe incapable of powering that video card. Try to find out for sure what type of powersupply your computer came with and compare it to the power requirements of the video card. GeForce GTX 550 Ti Minimum System Power Requirement (W)4 400W http://www.geforce.com/hardware/desktop-gpus/geforce-gtx-550ti/specifications Even if it fits you may need to upgrade your powersupply.
  3. Retchet187

    Huge FPS problem!

    That processor is faster than mine. you Phenom II x4 965 @ 3.4GHz Mines is a x4 925 @2.8GHz. The game runs well for me. Check your motherboard drivers. And makes sure your Video Driver is up to date. Looking at your DAYZ commander launch options you have -exThreads=1. I would try taking that out of the launch parameter. -exThreads=<number> Change to a number 0,1,3,5,7. This will override auto detection (which use 3 for dualcore and 7 for quadcore). You can let the game autodetect the processor. It should default to quad core with -exThreads=7 according to this information. -cpuCount=<number> Change to a number less or equal than numbers of available cores. This will override auto detection. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma2:_Startup_Parameters
  4. Retchet187

    HUGE Graphical glitch!

    Lots of players are dealing with the current artifacts/glitches near some of the airfields and military areas. Does the game run ok in most areas of the map?
  5. Retchet187

    low FPS

    What kind of Video card do you have?
  6. Retchet187

    What do I do now? need help urgently

    the Dayz update or the Arma2 Beta update?
  7. Retchet187

    Never Steal In DayZ (Video/Story)

  8. Retchet187

    You shouldn't have did that mang

    You shouldn't have did that mang
  9. Retchet187

    Erratic FPS on Different Servers

    Same experience, I have joined servers where the writing that shows in the bottom right telling where you spawned is extraordinarily slow with low FPS and the next server is fine.
  10. Retchet187

    "The War Z" Will be pay to win

    Sounds realistic