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Everything posted by drmccleod

  1. After a good chunk of playing, what I really like about DayZ is the sense of loneliness. It is a bit like that gentle melancholy you get when you go off for a long walk in the country by yourself. I have never felt it in a computer game before and it really only appeared after global chat was removed. Good show Rocket. Good show.
  2. OP is probably camping Elektro with his Makarov now, desperately waiting for a 1HP chopper to come flying over to avoid being unmasked as a liar and poltroon.
  3. drmccleod

    DayZ fans in a nutshell

    You win today's internet.
  4. I like the little frightened bald man graphic you have in the bottom corner.
  5. Hehe, kudos to the hacker there. The crazy little psycho.
  6. drmccleod

    guys...any idea where the fuuuu I am?

    I would guess... sat at your desk in your brown, towelling Y-fronts and wife-beater vest, with half a super-sized bag of doritos by your elbow and two litres of pepsi sloshing around in your guts.
  7. drmccleod

    Dogs are in next patch !!!!!!

    Letting you know that little Timmy is trapped down the well?
  8. This just proves how lame they are. A more imaginative bandit would have offered you a lift and then driven at full speed off a cliff, laughing wildly at your screams.
  9. I blame the victim. If an 'unarmed' player runs up to you and then pulls a gun out while talking, he is clearly up to no good. He should have shot the bandit as soon as the rifle appeared.
  10. Day 2 of Dayz. Predictions to the contrary, I didn't die weaponless at Green Mountain, instead I ran about 2 miles south-ish with 3 zombies at my heels. I finally shook them off by hopping over a fence. One tin of sardines later, I wandered along a wooded valley before spotting a town in the distance. Hiding in a bush, I went AFK for 20 mins to deal with domestic matters. When I returned I was dead. Bollocks. Respawn. Followed coast road, saw petrol station, nowt worth having. Followed powerlines inland. Spotted farm. Found painkillers and bandage in outdoor toilet. Chased by monkey zombie. Ran away. Followed road to town. Crawled towards enormous shed. Spotted by zombie. Chased into guard house. Shut door. Found empty bottle. Zombies fucked off. Sneaked into huge shed. Found toolkit. Took. Found wheel. Left. Headed out of town. Saw what looked like airstrip. Two zombies chasing. Ran away over wooded hill. Ended up back at petrol station again. Round in fucking circles. Trying luck along coast. Wooden building on dunes. Aha! Dead player inside. Vault over door entrance. Break leg. Now understand why dead player inside. Nowt useful in his backpack. No shooter. Crawl out. Fuck it. Off to city to find hospital. Crawl crawl crawl. Straight into zombie. Punched in head. Lose conciousness. Sneak away. Bandage self. 3K blood. Water nearly out. Praise be! Convenience store! Crawl towards it. FUUUUCCCKKKKKKK. Cannot crawl up steps to shop. Fizzy pop, morphine and shotguns just out of reach. Time for bed. 4 hours in-game. Shots fired 0, weapons found 0. Legs broken 1. Blood lost, several pints. Hence topic title.
  11. 1) Finding a crowbar 2) Your video. The bit where the copter exploded.
  12. drmccleod

    Disagreeable Ramble Simulator

    Day 3. Awoke to find myself barely alive in city by shop. Used vault trick to haul self up steps (Rocket bless you, Elo). No food, water or shooter in shop. ALICE pack though. Look like pro now. Expect increased respect from player who has just walked in door with shotgun. Offer cheery 'hello'. No reply. Perhaps he didn't see me laying here, unarmed with a broken leg. Try again. Reply via shotgun. But he must have been joking, since he missed my prone, stationary body three times. What a kidder! Oddly laggy gunfight ensues between him with shotgun and me with bad language. Eventually he settles his nerves and scores a hit. Enjoy your new chemlights you spaz-fingered cock-muncher. Fact is, this is a UK server. Not a US server full of pubescent snaggle-toothed hillbillies dreaming of their shack in the woods and their armed stand against the gummint. A UK server. Full of British chaps. Chaps who you would hope would try a spot of fair play or at least get a large enough group together to form a cricket team before shooting random newcomers with crippling injuries. This is a bitter lesson. How we have fallen. Next life. Wander along south coastal ridge. Spot tasty town in distance. Plenty zombie. Stealth time. Zombies all take off like troupe of nurses in Benny Hill. Looks like they are chasing another player. Aim text says Royston. Lets call him Royston Shitninja. Why is he getting larger? Why is he heading straight to me? Does he want help? No. He wants his fucking zombie train to eat me instead. Royston Shitninja pulls brown streak past me. I take off with couple of zombies on tail. Run through woods. Run over hill. Run into sea. Bingo. Quick swim later. Other side of town. Spot of ammo. Can of pop. Head to hills. Deer stand. M24 ammo. Woopde-fucking-doo. Country stroll. Farm. Outhouse. Crowbar. CROWBAR. CROWWWWWWBAAARRRRRRR. Best weapon in gaming history. Time to get all Gordon Freeman on your infected arses. Hide in woods. Stroke weapon. Nighty night.
  13. drmccleod

    Disagreeable Ramble Simulator

    Yeah, the reason I blew past it was because of the zombies chasing me. Still figuring out their detection behaviour.
  14. Also, eating beans is pretty much inevitable, making this a PvB game.
  15. I am intrigued by your message, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
  16. Your crew? This them?
  17. drmccleod

    Why is there so many pussy's on DayZ

    And do you never get affected by a film, or a book?
  18. First game yesterday. Joined UK server ~ 9pm local time. Late evening, but a bright moon. Spent 2 hours creeping about trying to find a gun. Nearly died of thirst but found can of pop in a barn. Most satisfying. Nearly pooped my pants when I stopped running through a wood and my torch popped up in front of me - looking just like a skull. Sound effects fricken scary, especially the music. Logged out near Green Mountain when the graphics started glitching. Didn't see another player, or a gun. Any tips for locating a shooter?