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Everything posted by friendly!

  1. friendly!

    DayZ Stories

    First Time In the Airfield part 1 - Surrounded I had lost a lot of blood when arriving to Vybor; my trip to the Airfield wasn`t without its problems. My blood was in half and I needed food, so I went to a farm-house, one of those big kind. I was scavenging for food when I met two other survivors in the house. I was horrified, cause I was not sure would they kill me or save my life. I had blood-bags with me, but always when I tried to get some help, I usually got shot. But back in the house I typed "FRIENDLY!" in the chat, but I didn´t want to die so I walked back until I got out of the house and then ran to the Airfield as fast as I could. They never tried to kill me so I assume that they were "good guys" or atleast they weren´t dicks. When I arrived to the Airfield I was extremely careful: I was in uncharted territory (for me at least). I found 6 magazines for my AKM and I found a M24 with some rounds. This is important for the story later. I went to the air-traffic control tower where there was a zombie in my way. Like an idiot, I shot it with a single bullet from my AKM. I was suprised of the sound and when I turned around I saw dozens of zombies running straight at me! I climbed up the tower and cursed my self when I noticed that I was surrounded. I tried to hold the zombies off, but I noticed that I was only attracting more and more of the brainless undead. Atleast I had enough ammo to pick the zombies off one by one when they were coming up the ladder and stairs. I was calming down when I noticed my thirst was a serious issue. I didnt have anything to drink and I would die from dehydration sooner than later. I decided to break out of my zombie infested prison and I started to shoot myself out trough the stairs. I was almost outside when the worst thing happened: a zombie broke my leg. I had to reload while more and more of the endless horde was trying to eat me. I emptied my AKM into the horde and used my last morphine. While running to the woods I was happy for my raid to a hospital in Elektro earlier, without the morphine I would have died. I made it to safety and I could say that I survived a siege of the zombies and that I killed over a hundred zombies while doing it! The next part has a helicopter, a sniper and three well-armed and dangerous survivors who I fight!