Hello There, Are you thinking about buying a server and supporting this game, well stop, read and think again. I have been a server admin for 3 weeks now and have been following this forum allmost every day, in that period. I've noticed an increased number of threads and appeals about Admin abuse and being banned / Kicked from servers. I've also seen that many of the threads are being spammed either by other people saying they have had the same experience or people saying its your own fault. I have been waiting for a post like this, but seems like nobody wants to step up and face the fact that the future of server admins in this game is only to laugh about. I Will now state the most common rights you get, when you buy a server. List of Features: Start / Stop / Restart Time Changer Configs of server (Change name, motd .....) Kick / Ban Lock Updates Now this seems like allot of features for an admin, but before i even start i will remove "lock" from the list, because this is not allowed and will get your server blacklisted. I do admire this rule and many hosting companys have applied the rule, so that if the system spots a server with password it will be shutdown until, pass removed. Then we have Kick / Ban, this seems like a fairly command for a server admin. But the fact is that if you decide that a user have broken the rules or actually hacked and bans him for it, you will find a post on this forum a few hours later with screenshots that dosent prove anything, other than he is not guilty of his crimes and shall be unbanned. If the player is smart, he will have his friends backing him up, saying they have experienced the same thing. In a few minutes the thread will have 10 posts saying that you abuse your admin rights. In the end it will be you that gets punished, for the fact that a hacker or a player that just wants to make your life hard entered your server. Now there is something called a HIVE LOG, and allmost everything is reported to this but, it dosent show shit other than spawning vehicles and disconnect. You can actually be standing right behind a duplicator, but in the server log it wont state the same. Yes he is getting allot of loots, by glitches, but if it so easy to see then dayz could make a filter and punish them. my 20cents go on the fact, that it looks like he just loots another alice backpack and not duplicates it.. who will win?! Start / STOP / Restart, you can use this feature but yet again. IF a player thinks you restart the server, just because he stole one vehicle, that dosent have to belong to you. He can make a post and wolla, you lose again. Whats left then? Time Changer Configs (Name, version ....) Updates... IS this worth paying 50$ a month?, in my opinion no!. I gotta say this is a great game and have been allot of fun, but the appeals and abuse threads are clearly out of hand..! My 20 cents, I know this thread will get spammed by people who simply dont care but either way my words are written.