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Jens (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Jens (DayZ)

  1. Jens (DayZ)

    Green mountain...

  2. Jens (DayZ)

    Most intense firefight of my life

    You seem a bit mental and I could never stand playing with someone like you... THAT SAID, the video gave me a few good laughs. :thumbsup:
  3. Jens (DayZ)

    Me and my friends met a dog....

    Mystery solved: Hackers.
  4. Jens (DayZ)

    What would be your song?!?!

    Probably this...
  5. Jens (DayZ)

    Enfield or Winchester?

    The Enfield is loud, yes, but it saved my life once in a very dangerous situation. A bandit had just killed off four of my friends with an M107, and I was standing in the woods, trying to locate the murderer. Suddenly he pops up behind a tree 200 meters away, aiming at me. Let's put it this way: He didn't get to keep his M107.
  6. Jens (DayZ)

    DayZ Stories

    Thanks! It was one of the most interesting experiences so far for me. :)
  7. Jens (DayZ)

    Killed by friendly fire?

    Didn't check your video but when you see "friendly fire" it seems that it can be either: 1. A spawn kill (i.e. somebody shooting somebody who just spawned). 2. A hacker getting killed (in which case they're likely to respawn at the same location with the same gear shortly thereafter). 3. A debug forest kill. Anybody know of any other causes?
  8. Jens (DayZ)

    You know you play DayZ too much...

    When you see another human being IRL for the first time in five days and the first thought that pops into your head is: "Oooh, survivor!" (Happened to me yesterday.)
  9. Jens (DayZ)

    DayZ Stories

    LOST, aka The Time We Got Stranded on Skalisty Island I was running around way up north with a friend. We made it to the east coast and found a boat. "Cool," I said. "Let's board it and go south." So we did. We had a couple of jerry cans on us, so we decided to refuel in Solnichniy. Suddenly, I felt an urge to visit Skalisty Island. My friend hesitated for a moment, but I managed to convince him. After all, we had never been there before. 400 meters away from the island, my game shut down. My computer was restarting due to a Windows Update installation that apparently had been running in the background. When I got back to our Mumble server, my friend was gone. He wasn't in-game anymore either. "Well, f*ck," I thought. "What about the boat?" I spawned in the middle of the ocean. The boat was nowhere to be seen. Suddenly my friend appeared again on our Mumble and he told me that his computer had just restarted. "What? Yours too?" At first we thought we'd been hacked or something, but then I checked the time—3:30(-ish) AM. And indeed, we both had had our Windows Update set to automatically update at 3 AM. We swam to the shore. Still no sign of the boat. I checked my GPS. "I've got some bad news," I said. "What?" "We're stranded. On Skalisty Island." "You're kidding right?" "I'm afraid not." Ten silent seconds passed, then I said what had to be said at that moment: "The Island brought us here." That's when our life on Skalisty Island began. We had decided that we were going to stay there until we got rescued by other our friends. We explored the island and managed to scrap together some water bottles and other basic supplies down by the little village. We hunted boar and goats for food. We even found a tent, which we put up on the southern shore. Days passed. Not a word from anyone else. We usually had one of us guard the northern shore overlooking the mainland, while the other hunted or looted the village. We seldom saw anyone, however, and the few survivors we saw did not seem particularly interested in the island. Then came the day that would change everthing. We had been living a simple and comfortable life, away from the rest of civilization—well, the little that remained of it—for almost three days. I had been scavenging supplies in the village. My friend, being the fool he was, had decided to climb the radio tower. That was the last thing he ever did. I was on the other side of the island, and did not hear the shots. Just my friend yelling, "Help, I'm dying!" Needless to say, I got to him too late. I did not manage to locate the murderer. Probably a sniper from the mainland. Possibly a server hopper. I went to my friend's body to say goodbye. "I'll see you in another life, brotha." I buried his corpse. A few hours passed. I was walking along the eastern shore, considering taking my own life. That's when I saw it. The boat. 300 meters away, in the middle of the ocean. I have no idea how it got there—we had searched for it before many times, always in vain. I swam out. Still some fuel in the engine. I drove it to the shore, and gathered some supplies from our camp. Then I left the Island.
  10. Jens (DayZ)

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Green Mountain at night is spooky as hell!
  11. Spawning in Wilderness without any gear now. Edit: My friend who was in the lobby when it happened managed to spawn with all his gear at the location he logged off, however.
  12. "You were kicked off the game (BattlEye: Corrupted Memory #0)..." Server: LU162 What's going on?
  13. Server: Dallas 44 Time: 04:40 (Timezone: GMT+2) What happened: Every player on the server (or so it seemed), including my friend and I, die all of a sudden, without being shot.
  14. Server: LU135 Local time: 03:40 AM (Timezone: GMT+2) What happened: Two players were blowing up buildings at NW Airfield. Their names were {CQF} GEN Shepard and Diryavaya boshka. They were in the (partly destroyed) control tower, and my friend and I took a few shots at them with .50 cal sniper rifles. For some reason, it said "X was killed by Jens (Friendly fire)" for both players. We took a short break. When we log on again, just a few minutes later, I see {CQF} GEN Shepard walking around in the tower once again with all his gear. I shoot him - same message as before. We log off to avoid getting killed by the hacker(s).