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Everything posted by mrreallylazy

  1. IRL Information Name:Curtis Age:16 Location:Canada Timezone:Eastern Do you meet ALL the requirements? If not, which ones are you missing and why?:I do not meet the anti bandit because someone started to shoot at me so i shot back and it was a lethal shot. Game Information IGN:? Steam ID (if applicable): Desired group role (Medic, sniper, spotter, etc):spotter Why you would like to join? What interested you about us? (min. 4 sentences):I would like to join cuz i am tired of people going around and being idiots when i play with them,the thing that interested me about you guys were that your well setup, you know where everything is(play like professionals) and you guys just seem chill until someone starts to come and attack. i would also like to join because i need people to play with. What skills / perks can you offer to [GMS]?:i can offer stealth i can offer a good shot and perfect spotting material
  2. Curtis,16,Canada skype name: madman903019 i know im younger than most people but i need a group thanks
  3. my skype is madman903019
  4. mrreallylazy

    Looking for a home

    hey i know good servers but i also need a group as well and i can have fun but play in all seriousness when needed im 16/m/canada add me on skype madman903019
  5. mrreallylazy

    Solo looking for a group ;)

    i dont have a group either we can have a 4 man team
  6. Hey guys im 16 years old im very good at DayZ im a very good shot, but recently i lagged and fell of a 2 storie building my blood is ridiculously low i need a blood transfusion if anyone is interested in joing the wolf pack add me on skype. my skype name is madman903019
  7. imma add you on skype i need some players as well and a blood transfusion :P