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About Nightronin

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  1. Nightronin

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    I wonder why players are blaming each other... You're playing a game made by a developer who didn't setup the rules of playing with eachother. So you're playing a game without these rules that people seem to be bitching about. My point is everyone plays however they want so it's nobody's fault but the developer for not enforcing the rules you wanna play by. If you're being a bitch about how things need to be done, you can let the developer know, although I doubt he gives a shit about elitist critics because he's catering an anti-gamer community since he's making an anti-game ;D I don't blame anyone, I like this kind of game so I'm not even mad :) I paid 40 dollars for this, exactly THIS!! now please finish this badboy. I'll donate later on :D @Reign: Yes I have died a few times for being branded a bandit, but I can't run away from my new destiny ;) it's sooo much fun to take down someone with reason! Maybe it's because I've never played a MP shooter before DayZ.
  2. Nightronin

    WTF is happening to the server community.

    I just got off after the whole day of playing. I went from silent defender to MFKing Bandit and Goddamn this game got better(easier too)! I dunno about you guys but I love killing bandits/survivors alike to survive. It's better than going into those zombie infested areas to find loot. Just loot that poor bastard running across the hills :) If I didn't need beans and water to survive I'd go back to Lone Wolf/Silent Defender/Bandit Killer/Team player/Friendly. Since converting to Bandit, this game now reminds me of Battle Royale. Feelsgoodman.jpg
  3. Nightronin

    Is rocket satisfied with us?

    Well I'll speak for myself too :) I bought ArmA 2 for fucking supporting the Day Z mod!! So don't move it away to a standalone retail game after we just bought it, that's like spitting at our faces. I see that's why you're not accepting donations because you're about to spit at us ;_; We buy DayZ to support THE Zombie Apocalypse mod of the year and to help you make it into a badass mod that people will say wtf this feels like a real game!! Don't give me BS!! Nehrim was a free modification and look how badass that become! That was fucking AAA game quality for a free mod made by the Great Germans! If you believe you can do it, you don't need to make it commercial quality. Keep it in ArmA 2 CO :D WESTSIDE MOFOZZZ
  4. Nightronin

    Is rocket satisfied with us?

    I'll donate like 5 dollars, but I'm not buying DayZ again... I just paid 45 dollars for ArmA 2 CO and I'm not even playing ArmA 2, I'm playing DayZ, all day all night!
  5. When is DayZ going to be a part of ArmA 2? When that happens I hope its a free patch and they won't charge us for DayZ as an expansion :( This way it's the easiest install ever! Side Chat: I bought ArmA 2: CO only for Rocket's DayZ... I'll donate anytime! but fk paying for DayZ as an expansion. Thanks for this setup Rocket.
  6. Nightronin

    The bandit skin changes

    When will bandit skin be removed? I thought it was supposed to be yesterday?
  7. Nightronin

    Banned from Eu8 for russian language

    Wow so much fail in this thread... -----------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. Nightronin

    Banned from Eu8 for russian language

    I thought he meant about Russians killing Yankees on sight, that's cool but yeah I read it a second time, last bit is racist :/
  9. Nightronin

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    Hell yeah great logo.
  10. Nightronin

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Just add another 1000 zombies. Make them slightly faster than the player and you'll see the side chat flooded with team bullshit.
  11. Nightronin

    [FREEWARE] DayZ Install Tool v1.6

    It should download but I guess it's broken for now.
  12. Nightronin

    [FREEWARE] DayZ Install Tool v1.6

    Can I use this patcher again to update my game to v1.5.8.1? Thanks guys.
  13. Nightronin

    DayZ Radio Show (TWITCH.TV)

    I like the Survivor Network just as much as the radio station... Hmmm combine them both. So, what are you going to play? Everything?