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Everything posted by Swedentobbe

  1. update your arma to 96061, had the same problem earlier today
  2. Swedentobbe

    Selling Mountain Dew

  3. Swedentobbe

    Loading prob (I read the FAQ)

    we have the same thing we cant play, its sooo anoying, i dont care if i loose all my stuff to a bug or die by a bandit, its part of the game, i can live with that, but come on can i atleast play the game so i can enjoy the game!
  4. Swedentobbe


    you sir will have my beans!
  5. Swedentobbe

    [1.5.7] Keep Spawning at the Coast

    me and my buddy changed servers becose it was glitching like hell, could not see a damn thing. boom back on the beach, same gear (thank god) tough. we make our way to stary sobor, same problem again, glitching like crazy disconnect change servers, BOOM back on the beach
  6. Swedentobbe

    There are hackers in this game?! What!?

    haters are gonna hate
  7. Swedentobbe

    My Day in Dayz

    happen to me twice once with my L85A2 and last time, i had all the good shit and a FN FAL AN/PVS, i curse god everytime this happens to me!
  8. Swedentobbe

    Starting scenarios

    hmm wondering what people would choose ;)