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About Tingle

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    Berlin, Germany
  1. Soo, havent played the game in like 2-3 months. Ever since the news about DayZ going solo - maybe even abit earlier. So any new info on the stand alone and have there been any improvments to the mod? Maybe smoother interaction and animations? Less bugs? Less cheaters/hackers?
  2. Sorry if this has been asked before but I'm wondering if there is a ETA on when rocket and his team will start working with the engine of arm2 to bring out DayZ as a standalone? And then, why isn't the patch out that was suppose to go online 3 days ago? Did rocket bite the dust or something, he only wanted to lock his patch thread for 1h...
  3. Well then I'd like to have a European hacker and lag free server with fast loading times like you guys are describing. Any idea where I can find one? I don't see how I have all these issues and you guys don't. Although I did have the assumption that the EU servers are hosted by greedy little bastards that don't want to spend to much money. Like squeezing to many people on a server even though it cant handle them. Or renting "cheap" servers that have bad connections... I have noticed the US has some very good hosting services.
  4. Yea I get we are alpha testers, I'm used to working/playing in an Alpha environment. Just most of the issues I listed seem to come from core problems or a screwed up core. Things like path finding, hit detection and the basic client/server connection is something a engine normally provides - that's why I don't understand whats wrong and am wanting to discuss these issues with other people. And so far I have the impression that its a problem from my end considering no one else has issues like this? At least the connection/lag issues. Still hackers are a bitch. PS: Using the word fag has nothing to do with gays anymore. Its a normal curse word like cunt. Ever see that one south park episode?
  5. Oh god what did I start, are you guys serious? Its just a discussion thread, not a flame war. What is wrong with you people. Well almost every German server I've joined that isn't hosted by multiplay has a 10 min+ connection time. And I only join servers that have a ping of 30-40 or less. Maybe its just the European servers? And I'll say it again, I am aware that this is a alpha MOD. But the core game should be on a post release stage... And the most issues I described are related to core problems.
  6. God you are a picky asshole. Fine how about we change the word fag to cunt. You cunt. And if you didn't notice, I'm not raging or flaming... just wondering what the communities issues and thoughts are on these things. I admit, some sections seem like rage, but they are not.
  7. Q: Are you working alone or do you have programming support? Did any programmer reach out a helping hand yet or do you not consider freelancers over the net helping you for free or would you consider? And if yes, what would be the requirments?
  8. Nah I have the best civilian internet connection in germany with a 100mbit connection. And yea, I get this is a alpha but remember this is a mod based on a existing game - thats why I'm ok with the bug issues related to DayZ.
  9. Hello fellow DayZ gamers and forum lurkers. So I have been playing DayZ for about 2 weeks now and would actually just like to enjoy it, but this doesn't seem possible at this development state out of the following reasons. First off bugs. This is not the first time I have played a game in such a early development state and as a fellow game developer I am used to working around bugs. So this isn't much of an issue for me and even gives the game a certain appeal having to play around bugs. Lag issues and buggy gameplay.... Now here is a topic that pretty much destroyes the gameing experience. There are so many issues here, for example when you try to sneak around and zombies aggro from 500 meters away or they hear you very very well through walls - this makes the game very undependable and you can't trust on the mechanics, which brings me to the second issue. Trying to kill a zombie or a player. Unloading 3 clips into a zombie before he goes down is not how you should kill a zombie, and with players its sometimes even worse, you shoot at them and try to kill them before they kill you only to have never hit them. How is this even possible or was Arma 2 just as buggy? I don't really believe that... I know this is a alpha of a MOD - but these seem like core issues? The connection.... god this is a issue. I spent about 80% of the time looking for a proper server and connecting to it just to find out the admins abuse there powers or its full of hackers and I have to search a new server? For the first problem there, I've managed to pick out a couple hosting services that have a decent connection/logging in speed - but meh, then issues 1 and 2 kick back in - and hackers don't help. Just yesterday I was playing with a group of people and we decided to call this one server our "home". Started building a small camp and just have a dude appear out of no where with a golden AK and blast us and are tents away. This brings me to my last issue... servers! Why are there so many cunt admins and hackers all over the place destroying the gameing experience for everyone? Why is there nothing done against this? Why is the server/client model giving the client autoring privileges? P2P? Seriously? Without this model there wouldn't be any hacker problems, only admin problems to ruin your day or the normal client side hacker problems. So all that said, what do you guys think about these issues? Greets - Tingle
  10. Tingle

    Looking for a clan or soulmate

    Yes, and guess what I was doing? Playing with pokemon cards, building kites with my dad, playing Zelda and noobing around in WoW classic beta as a rogue. Not playing mature fps games where you kill people. Thats why minors shouldn't play these kind of games, because you are to young to comprehend, process and reflect on what you are doing in a game. Anyway, I'm not going deeper into this discussion with someone whos balls just started growing hair.
  11. Tingle

    Looking for a clan or soulmate

    You dont, you stop playing games over your age and ask your parents to spend more time with you. Then you might turn out to be socialy acceptable when you try to start a life when you turn 18.
  12. Im looking for a tactical group/clan: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/51107-eu-22m-looking-for-a-group-to-play-with-or-clan/ My skype is tingle1989, will add you in a bit.
  13. Still looking, just reply into my thread with your skype name if you're interested. Just got sniped at the airfield so I'm ready for a fresh start.
  14. My first experience was that I spawned in a night server and didnt see a thing. Got scared because zombies were attacking me and started running like a retard with my flashlight on. Thought this was some kind of Amnesia experience - only to end with getting sniped down. Then a day later when playing on a day server I felt embaressed for acting like a pussy :P.