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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. sveinungchr@gmail.com

    pc died

    well.. Try changing motherboard and PSU. Thinker
  2. sveinungchr@gmail.com

    Graphical Issues

    Same problem GFX 560 TI card. Bump: Also posted in: https://dev-heaven.net/issues/39050#change-141511 Thinker. Why farm gear when you can farm players..
  3. sveinungchr@gmail.com

    Sniper Squad

    You are the SCUM of the snipers in dayz. GO hunt better geared players in the north.. It takes no skill to shoot fish in the barrel like elektro or cherno... Anyone using a 50cal in cherno/electro should be banned from dayz for life.. You sire FAIL at this game.. as i suspect the rest of your life to.. SCUM!!!! No you are worse than scum... I rate you at the same lvl at hackers.. I wish you all the pain in the world.. May the DayZ gods kick you over and over..Then ban you for ever. Thinker
  4. sveinungchr@gmail.com

    Day Z Cartoon Spoof

    Gave me a smile... gj... Thinker
  5. Do a steam verification of the install files. Then download the beta and mod files.. install Then start steam launcher.. But rember.. You have to start arma and Arma CO in normal mode ones before starting the days mod.. Launch them from steam.. get to the game menu then just quit the game.. Do this for both... Then use six launcher to start days.. Have a nice day.. Hope this gets you online so I can kill you to ;-) Thinker.
  6. Thanks for fuleing the fire.. RTARD!!! go get killed... ingame... not in reallife..Not a treath. just a wish... Thinker...
  7. Finaly.. A post by a new player that is not.. OMG I got toltaly killed by players.. THIS mod suxxxsss.. Sir i take my hat off to you.. Great first post.... I't is good to see a player that does not complain about dying but takes the lesson learnd and moves on a better path forwared.. Thinker..
  8. Last night some one spawned inn gear on to a lot of players,Today he teleported everyone to a tower in cherno.. This is Destroying the Game.. On UK13 they are currently(as i type) spawning in cows in parachutes...... in the elektro... ' Rocket and gang.. PLEASE!!!! stop adding shit and make this hacking stop... This just destroying the game... Thinker... PS. Sorry for a whining tread.. But I had to get this out.
  9. I agree on this too.. Give items a finite lifespan.. this will make the game harder and more fun I think... IT will also force players more in to towns/loot spots and this will make it easier to hunt then for there beans:-) Thinker
  10. First time I found a Lee Enfield... In elektro... Tried it in the shop.... 68 zeds later and no more ammo the ZED ARMY i had pulled over powered me after a short but intence chase... Shit happens.. Then Zed's eat you.... Leasson learned.. Lee Enfield + big towns = Suicide gun.
  11. If there was a skyscraper city.. Omg.. the possibilities.. Just picture the Sniper war between to scrapers... And watching the zed flow in to the bottom chasing the sounds looking for there next piece of meat. Or Running around attracting zed and pulling them in to a narrow street where your friends wait with LMG's chopping them down... Sweeet. PLEASE give us a GIant city to play in.. and a Freaking HUGE map... with atleast 100+ players.. :-) Thinker.
  12. I have a solution to the disconnect problem.. 1.Find helicrash. 2. loot AS50. 3.Range target. 4. Shoot target.. target dead... Solution found.. I have yet to not get a kill with a HIT from the AS50. I always try to go for thorso hits since im normaly shooting at 400-800 meters. I had a Great fight against to players at some smale shit town..way east of novy sobor. Two guys open up on a firend of mine who went down.. I enganged them at about 300 meters.. after about 2 min of shooting/relocating i got the drop on both of them.. Did not get there name but i salute them for not disconnecting. Like The [bST] clan seems to be experts on (on norway 1 at least). If I ever get a name (and proof) of players disconnecting I get them banned from the server i usally play on.. Thinker.
  13. Read the post BEFOR trolling.. Rtard..His is not complaining about getting killed.. he is asking about somthing related to it.. It is a legith question.. To the question in hand.. I have been close to a lot of players.. But never heard the sound you are talking about. Do you get it when your firend is close.. and Is he a "bandit" (multipl player murders)?? Thinker
  14. After the message i get stuck at the loading screen... Just black with the text loading game.... Please.. When you give out patches.. PLEASE test them just a little befor applying them to public servers... Yes i know its a ALPHA.. YES I know its our "jobb" to be the testers but this is just to bad... Thinker. P
  15. Same just happen to ALL in norway1 server Thinker
  16. I seem to have the same problem.. i can't start new topics but i can reply to them. thinker
  17. sveinungchr@gmail.com

    Loggin newbs

    Hmm I cant start new topic so im gonna post this here. to the two players i killed near golovo no norway1 to day.. Thank you for NOT beeing disconnecting bitches... I take my hat off to you. I only go the name of one of you "antikrist" but still gj staying trough the fight.. I was gonna let you live with your lee enfield but you just had to try to shoot my friend. That I could not let you get away with.. Sorry for killing you but it was a good fight,,, Thank you.. Thinker
  18. Well i shot two hackers running at 600 meters with my AS50.. I did not know they where hacker until i ran over to them and saw there gear.. They had EVERYTHING cool included the MK16 EGLM TWS so i knew they where hackers.. so i poked the Server admin. Gave him there names.. han he got them globaly banned.. Nice gooing RandR and you other guy. (cant remeber his name). And thanks for giving bohemia 25x2 more euros to buy new games.... Som days even hackers have bad days.. hehe ' Thinker
  19. Anyone have an Idea how many Aram2 copies have been sold before DayZ came out? If you look at the number of uniqe playeres today its: 444,997 at 25 euro a players you are up to aprox: 12.5Mill euro(rounded up to 500k players)..Not bad for a game mod. (should think Bohemia is kissing rockets ass bigtime ;-) But the question is how many copies where solde before dayZ came out? Thinker.
  20. This is happened to me to.. lost my carparts and weapons after a server restart.. all items i the car just gone.. this is kinda stupid and needs to be looked in to... Please.. Thinker.
  21. Same problem.. I looged out a week ago with a DMR and 2 mags i my backpack.. logg inn to find a AKM instead with mags... WTF!! i dont want a AKM.. Happed on Norway1. Thinker.
  22. Hi.. So this is my first smal Dayz recording.. The ATV was aquired just a few min before when the prev owner suddely had a brain removal done with a DMR... I have som evil friends it seems. We are looking for more ATV's to pratice with.. Thinker..
  23. The hole purpos of this "game" is to test and report shit like this.. Make a bug repport. If the Devs' find it strange they can check the logs of the server and see if its somthing they have to fix.. this game is in alpah like some of the guys in the forum LOVE to point out.. IF something strange happen report it in the BUG section with as much presice data as possible.. (time/date,server, location userID and such..) Make it possible to make improvements.. I do suspect that ALL your gear will get deleted when they move to beta or release time anyway.. Enjoy what you got.. As in RL you can't play with it after death anyway... Only thing you bring with you to the after life is the memorys and funtimes you create your self... Thinker
  24. sveinungchr@gmail.com


    cheaters are them???
  25. Man o man this tread made my day.. Best drama tread ever.. made the working day SOO much better.. Thanks to whom ever initiated the baning spree.. the server killing hackers was just to much.. Thinker.