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DevilDriver (DayZ)

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About DevilDriver (DayZ)

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  1. DevilDriver (DayZ)

    FR35 - cheaters - UKHC

    Boitameuh, 1. if this topic is so 'below' you, then you need not waste your time posting right? 2. you are friends with the admin, so you motives are fairly clear here, nullifying your point.
  2. DevilDriver (DayZ)

    FR35 - cheaters - UKHC

    Yann please refrain form posting until you have read at least some of the previous posts, otherwise you just look ignorant. The whole point of this is that the UKHC guys didn't break any rules, its a very black and white issue. If the rules are not to your liking, take it up with Rocket and the dev team. Arguing with other users is a waste of breath as we don't have the power to change them.
  3. DevilDriver (DayZ)

    FR35 - cheaters - UKHC

    It just amazes me how people can take it upon themselves to run a server without understanding the basic rules. Why take on the responsibility if you are not aware or the set of rules you have to follow?
  4. DevilDriver (DayZ)

    FR35 - cheaters - UKHC

    The issue here seems to be that people are taking it upon themselves to re-define the rules and act upon them. There is no question that what UKHC have done is completely allowed according to Rocket(the guy who created the game.....) i.e duping and picking up ammo crate weapons. Sure you can argue that its not cool to do that(which is a separate discussion) but as admins you have no right to make up your own rules. its just that simple. So as butthurt as you admins want to be about people having hacked in weapons, its the act of hacking and scripting that is not allowed, NOT owning the weapons.
  5. DevilDriver (DayZ)

    FR35 - cheaters - UKHC

    Haha, This admin just burned himself, what a fool.
  6. DevilDriver (DayZ)

    Stay away from these guys

    yeah we're really upset over it ;) seriously though, the first guy that turned up smashed us(props to him), but no one that has turned up since has touched us. Why not come try us? or is a forum war more to your liking?
  7. DevilDriver (DayZ)

    More vehicles. Mostly cars

  8. DevilDriver (DayZ)

    Stay away from these guys

    haha well done dude, no one dc'd though, dead against that shit.
  9. DevilDriver (DayZ)

    Stay away from these guys

    We await your attempt
  10. DevilDriver (DayZ)

    Stay away from these guys

    Anyone going to come and get us then?
  11. DevilDriver (DayZ)

    Stay away from these guys

    qq all you want, it wont help ;) its a survival horror, its up to you to choose who to trust!
  12. DevilDriver (DayZ)

    Stay away from these guys

    What part of it is unfair?
  13. DevilDriver (DayZ)

    Stay away from these guys

    I love this game
  14. DevilDriver (DayZ)

    More Zombie-Types

    NO NO NO! more than one zombie type will make it arcadie and less realistic(not to mention that you're ripping off L4D)