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About huffisreal

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. huffisreal

    Banned from US 704

    Ok I can see where your comming from there but I can tell you why I logged and why it might say that. We was heading back to our base in the heli and I decided to jump out to see if parachuting was working and I guess the system thought I was a hacker and killed me. Durring this time it was night time and I couldnt see so I changed servers.
  2. huffisreal

    Banned from US 704

    I to was banned from this server allegedly (hacking/spawning illigal vehicals per logs) when I have never done such things. On a side note me and my friends found a base with vehicles and took them when heli's where introduced. Date/Time Aug 1st around 7 pm (maybe before 12 hours in between I logged last) Central Time zone, UTC-6