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About Humanxlemming

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Humanxlemming

    Problem with my server saying type unknown

    Im messaging my server hoster now since he hosts a dayZ server himself see if they can help me.
  2. Humanxlemming

    Problem with my server saying type unknown

    I managed to fix that problem but now I have another when I try to join my game it says waiting for host.
  3. I have configured everything as I have but the game type is coming up unknown which is really starting to get annoying I have check every file and folder that I have and it is still coming up with it. Screenshot for the clear problem. it says there is people playing but those are just people trying to connect and finding out it is not working.
  4. Humanxlemming

    Instance ID How long?

    Yeah they are all doing there part but what I'm saying is it will really take a load off if they hired another member that could just sit and go through ID's and tickets, also I'm on about the 4th day so hopefully should get it soon :)
  5. Humanxlemming

    Instance ID How long?

    Wow I'm going to be bored out my skull till then xD I'm surprised they have not add another member to the team to go through all the tickets and instance ID.
  6. Humanxlemming

    Instance ID How long?

    I would like to know a time frame really rented a server and just waiting on an instance ID and mission files so I can play on the rented server any news on how long it takes? https://support.dayzmod.com I have submitted a ticket there and done that my server thing.