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About Pacosith

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    On the Coast
  1. I think Kyrah and Ravin need to stay the fuck out of this thread. You worthless pricks have nothing positive to contribute, so shut the fuck up. You don't like a server, get the fuck off it. I hope you come to our server, so we can ban you, you socialist scumbags(providing you can stop sucking each other's dicks long enough to actually play this game you clearly love to hack). Yeah, with all your worthless dribble, defending hackers, and trying to shame admins for admining their own servers, you guys are nothing more than trolls. You certainly don't speak for Rocket, yet by the text in your own posts, you think you're God's gift to these forums. 500 posts of bullshit and negativity just tells the rest of us "low postcount newbs" that you guys aren't going to get laid anytime soon, so do us all a favor and go play grabass in some other game. It's clear you don't want this game to succeed, we get that. Fuck off.
  2. Ok, this has gone on long enough. I've been offended enough and can't take anymore. Who the fuck are "Lady" Kyrah and Ravin? They're nobody socialist dirtbags who want to look down their noses at the rest of the gamers out there, toting how superior they are and how awesome their servers are. Complaining about someone else's servers, lumping them all together with the rest of the gaming world's servers for a bad trip they had, and then this "lady" makes some bullshit remark about the 80's..really?! What the fuck were you playing online in the 80's? You stupid fucking idiot, you weren't(most likely) even born then. Yeah, Ravin isn't as much of a douche like Kyrah is, but he sure does act like he's a somebody because he's got 3 servers listed in his sig! OMG. Wow. I'm SUPER impressed. Still a douche. We've all been playing DayZ about the same amount of time. Nobody cares. "But Paco, you're a nobody too" Yup. I sure am. I'm a frustrated playing looking for help with a problem that people feel has become some sort of spiritual discussion about the Zen of admining a server. What the fuck? Beans, I don't know why you bothered to even post her. Folic, don't waste your time here either. Nobody is going to help the "player' testers. Thanks for nothing, you worthless self-righteous pricks. Go outside and do something in the sun.
  3. And if a server admin wants to ban someone locally from a server that is paid for, I don't like being told who I can and can't ban. Hosing servers for other games in the past hasn't detracted from server popularity for banning asshats and cheaters. Beans brings up valid points, and while Ravin "tries" to make him feel better(I think), he's not really saying anything other than: Tough shit. Fuck off if you don't like it. I loved getting DayZ, but now I don't bother playing because of the scriptkiddiez out to grief as many people as they can. That's how I'll "play", and I'll be sure to dissuade as many of my Community from following suit. Why bother, if an admin can't do anything? Something has to change, and so far, I'm not seeing any support from the DayZ folks to address this as priority number 1. It was a good idea, and I enjoyed testing, but I doubt I'll be playing. That part about ruining reputation has already affected me. Flame me as you will, but I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way. I speak for those too lazy to post, or are (lol) afraid of pissing off the DayZ forum mods. p.s. - Tanks in this "sim" would ruin everything, and aren't even realistically feasible due to the cost/maint it would require. I was a tanker in real life, and that'd be just bullshit to have one. They'd be the first thing taken out by whatever means, by whatever factions started popping up in this wild west showdown it's become: Kill or be killed, not only by Zeds, but by Asshat Anarchists that are out for the LULZ. Good luck DayZ, you'll need it.