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Everything posted by XentriX

  1. XentriX

    My big, fat wishlist

    So, I realise that a lot, if not all of these ideas have been posted all over the forums already, but here is my list of some of the things things that would make the game more enjoyable for me to play. Not everyone will like the suggestions and I fully accept that people have their own opinions. The suggestions listed here try to take into consideration realism, at least what is considered realism for DAYZ. Character controls/animations Scrambling to your feet – While pressing forward and stand at the same time, your character scrambles to his feet from prone for a quicker start to running. (I’m pretty sure most folks wouldn’t casually stand before trying to run if a zombie was running at you) Running vault – While running the vault key would make you character either hurdle low fences or vault over them at speed (maybe with a chance of stumbling/falling on the other side). Shove/barge – For tackling 1-2 zeds while unarmed or trying to maintain stealth (using these methods has a high chance of taking a hit from your target due to the proximity to them). (Run + ‘key’) Performs a shove or a kick which pushes targets just out of arms reach to allow for a chance at a quick shot to the dome or maybe to create just that extra bit of room to squeeze out of that blocked doorway. (Full speed run + ‘key’) Initiates a shoulder barge which will shove targets back a good distance and stagger them briefly or possibly make them fall over, allowing for escape or a swift hatchet to the cranium. Switch weapons when running – Ability to switch weapons without coming to a full stop. Slows you down to a jogging pace. Fire weapons while running – wildly inaccurate, but it’s better than a zombie munching on your face (chance of stumbling if you’re running backwards firing high powered weapons). Weapons – Nothing fancy, just real-world alternatives Hunting knife – Not as effective as a hatchet, but faster. Kitchen knife/cleaver – Go serial killer on those zeds. Hammer – really require a headshot or two with this one. Club – Table leg/solid branch/anything with a bit of weight that you could hit people in the face with. Molotov cocktail (requires an empty bottle, gasoline, rag and matches) burns like hell on direct contact, also a good distraction. Broken bones/injuries – alternatives. Leg injuries seems a bit odd from zombies hitting you in the upper body – maybe a broken arm instead, forcing you to use one-handed weapons with lower accuracy until you can splint the arm and apply strong painkillers. Or maybe cracked ribs that shorten the length of time you can run and forces you into crouched position while moving. Strap up with a bandage and apply painkillers. Fall three feet off of the stairs? How about a sprained ankle instead? – Apply a bandage for support, but be slowed to a hobbling run at best. Apply painkillers for temporary relief allowing full speed until they wear off. Splints - if you have a hatchet.. Crawl to the forest and make a splint with wood and bandages. Then apply the morphine to allow running about. Zombie awareness - At ranges over 40m - They are unable to tell you apart from other infected unless you do something out of the ordinary, like vault a fence, fire your weapon or run around. Walking in full view would not attract undue attention. At ranges under 40m - If they can see you they can sense something not quite right and will make their way towards you at normal speed while keeping an eye on you. (could be used as a diversionary tactic in groups) If they get to 20m and can see you, they can tell you’re not one of them and will attack as normal. Ranges would probably need tweaking though. Response to gunshots/sounds (and muzzle flash at night) – Upon hearing a sound Zeds should investigate the rough area from which it came, if they are unable to see what made the noise, they return to wandering about instead of magically knowing where you are. (Had to put this one in… got chased around in the pitch black by a zed that came from 100m+ away when I fired my gun. I had moved a good 30m from the spot where I fired and was prone at the time). Wilderness travel, survival and dangers Random roaming zombie packs in the forests. Wild dogs – nobody has been feeding Fido.. Maybe you’re his dinner (they should attack infected too, perhaps use this to your advantage). Ability to add personal notes on maps (notes carry over to other servers, but are lost when you die. Maybe anyone who picks up your map can see them). Ability to make markers you can leave on the ground or carve into trees. Ability to make buried caches to store items (Makes a different sound when you stand on them so they’re not 100% safe). Game Mechanics Blood regeneration – The human body naturally replaces blood that is lost, though it is a slow process. I’d like to see, say, the first 8000 blood replenish at the same rate that the thirst metre drops, then the last 4000 blood replenishes at the rate of the hunger metre. This is to simulate the faster plasma replacement, then the production of red blood cells at a slower rate. However, the rates of replacement slows when you’re hungry and/or thirsty, thus making the collection of food and water essential (eating red meat could accelerate the generation of blood for a short period, though eating lots in one go would have no extra benefit). Food would no longer give you instant blood. Big-ass backpack full of goodies? Surely it should provide some protection from being shot in the back from low calibre weapons? Though there would be a chance that items in your pack would be damaged and lost (food, drinks or medical supplies). More intelligent zed spawning – Zombies killed in the area shouldn’t magically respawn, while a player is nearby (40-50m radius maybe), and then they should spawn out of the line of sight. Ability to combine half spent magazines, it’s fiddly and takes a little while though. Chance to drop ammo if you get hit while doing it. I'll leave it there for now... as it's a long-ass post already.
  2. I know this has probably already been posted somewhere, but my search has proven fruitless. Anyhoo, after a run-in with another player the other day, it got me thinking... If bandit skins are being introduced back to the game, a few minor tweaks in relation to how the 'title' is earned could be in order. Here is my example... There I was on the roof of a firestation, grabbing loot through the window (the downstairs was blocked off), when akm fire starts hitting in my direction. I take one or two hits, but manage to duck around a corner just in time. I bandage up, and with my remaining 1.2k blood I sneak a peak at the direction from where the shots originated. I see my assailant fighting of zeds that his gunfire had attracted, so I seize the opportunity and put a Lee enfield round into him. On my debug monitor.... 'Murders: 1' Now I'm thinking 'hold on a minute, it was pure and simple self-defence. If he hadn't been distracted by zeds (because he shot in the first place), he would probably have killed me.' So, should murders only be considered such if you are the initial attacker? Should you be tagged as a bandit for attempted murder? And should there be a mechanic in place to prevent becoming a bandit via friendly fire accidents (Any suggestions on how to determin whether it was an 'accident' or not would be useful)?
  3. XentriX

    Fighting bandits with... dogs!

    I think if bandits did loot a body, they'd just be much more inclined to hide it.
  4. How about zeds spawn unseen in nearby forests/buildings every now and then and head towards the crash site as if attracted by the crash itself.
  5. Sorry if this idea has been posted before, my search was unsuccessful if it has. If two players declare themselves friendly (must be mutually agreed via an ingame mechanic), then the skin texture for those two players would change to signify that the player is friendly. The only people able to see these 'friendly' skins would be those that have declared that they're are friendly to each other. The rest of the playerbase would still see default skins. It shouldn't be something too obvious, but it should be visible at short range... perhaps a green armband or something. The idea behind this is to simulate facial recognition... so the viewable distance should match the kind of range that we can recognise people we know at. Shooting mechanics are not affected, so accidental friendly fire or betrayal is still possible between friends. This 'friendly' declaration will only last until you die, so if you want to team up again, you must redeclare. That is all... have at it!
  6. XentriX

    Distinguishing friendlies

    /me changes face to infiltrate a group... *queue mission impossible music* B)
  7. XentriX

    Distinguishing friendlies

    I tend to find most people look almost exactly the same though.. and is it possible to change your face without starting a new character? If not, it kind of defeats the point a bit.
  8. XentriX

    Clothes for Female Charakters

    I came expecting bikinis... I left disappointed. But seriously, yes, it would be nice if they worked. But they'd probably have to make a new model or switch to a male model for the ghillie.
  9. XentriX

    Distinguishing friendlies

    You see in a lot of videos, people panicking ('is that you, is that you?) when people of their own group stand two feet away from them... in 'real life' you'd clearly recognise who they were at that distance... hence the suggestion. And while using skype/TS3 works well in an established group of friends, it's not so good for randoms. Yes, there is also ingame comms, but this just fills a gap for players that might not have a mic, or are unable to use one at the time. Simply put... you don't. This suggestion isn't really about adding trust between players. Just about identifying them when they're nearby.
  10. XentriX

    unreasonable murders -> lack of identity

    I'm not sure giving a statistics page would improve anything. It'll probably have the reverse effect to be honest. Players who kill for the fun of it can now more accurately measure their e-peen. As for recognising the face of people... if you die, you start a fresh 'new' survivor with no knowledge of what has transpired beforehand. Maybe people witnessing another players actions would be able to recognise them again, but not the victims.
  11. XentriX

    Distinguishing friendlies

    That was constructive. :P Is there a reason behind the 'nope' or just a knee-jerk reaction?
  12. XentriX

    My big, fat wishlist

    Well... this list isn't a complete post of everything I've though about. Maybe there'll be a 'part 2' coming ;) I think they'd need to look at the zed speed and movement before they limit run distance in any way really. It's often your only hope of getting away as it stands. If they were to introduce a stamina mechanic, it would also need to be applied to zeds as well. They're only human after all, just the infected variety...
  13. XentriX

    I think I should hack this game

    I've not been playing long, the first five days or so... not one single hacker. The last two days I've been killed six times by hackers... must be a new script out or something.
  14. XentriX

    IF this was an actual game...

    As it currently stands I would go.. Game purchase only. And Studio developed (Only as long as they listen to community input) Studio servers Kickstarter (yes if it's community developed)
  15. XentriX

    My big, fat wishlist

    Well, I've only been in a week. But I always say that a fresh pair of eyes can sometimes see things others can't.
  16. And there was me thinking that all the survivors were immune because of the genetic defect causing osteogenesis imperfecta..... :D
  17. So there I was just after logging in for the day ready for some zombie dogding and gathering essential supplies I stumble upon a tractor... it's in driveable condition so I chug on over to the factory to scavange some spare parts and I get lucky.. everything I need was there. So, I fix up my shiny new vehicle and decide to go for a test drive. Two minutes later the front wheel gets snagged on the corner of a burned-out humvee, so I try to reverse... it doesn't move. I try some more... I get ejected from the tractor with 600 blood, in shock, with a broken leg and my blood spewing forth like a volcano. Bye bye sweet loot... ah well... I can run back to my body and get the items back if I'm lucky! ... Server restart.. grrr So, there I am a few hours later, just got some reasonable gear together... teleported with everyone else to a field full of beartraps by a hacker. broken leg, bleeding and in shock. Bah.. log off for a minute. Log back in, bandage up.. go and check the not so lucky folks bodies for some morphine... 10 bodies, no drugs. soo... I decide that I'm a survivor and crawl the 2.6km to the nearest hospital. hmm.. windows won't break. I know I'll relog.. maybe that will fix it! So log back in again and I get 'Pick a gender' Noooooo!! So, there I am, on the beach in Kamenka and I decide to have a bit of fun... find a hatchet and go on a zombie rampage. 42 zeds later I reach Balota. I still have 7k blood so I raid the area and manage to pick up an aks-74u. Not too shabby I think and proceed toward Cherno. As I reach the apartments on the west side of Cherno, I find the body of an ex-survivor, kind enough to be carrying an m16a2, an alice pack, map.. all other essentials. YES! Back in the game! I take shelter in one of the apartments as I hear some nearby gunfire. I decide to climb up to the roof for a better look. Okay, now just going to lay down and check out the area. Press prone.... runs forward 5 steps and dives off of the roof, hits the floor.. in shock, broken leg.. pass out... get eaten by zombies. Ho hum... think I might leave it until tomorrow.